Big spoon?

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The rest of the travel to the camp went by in a tired haze of airports another flight a long coach trip and finally we arrived to our home for the foreseeable future. We arrive in the morning but luckily Sarina has said she will allow us today to either catch up on sleep or to get used to the new time zone, I feel like my brain and body are no longer connected as I stumble into the room with Leah following up in a couple minutes once she has made sure everyone is set. I throw my bags on the floor and collapse onto the bed ready to sleep for the next week.

Some time must have passed as I hear the door unlock and footsteps walk inside the room, after a few seconds I hear a confused voice
"Er y/n have you noticed anything off about the room?
"I know you're tired but please have a look around so I know im not hallucinating"
I peel my eyes open and lift my head to see Leah looking a around the room, i get up and walk over to her to see what she is doing
"Right im up what's wrong"
"How many people are staying in this room?"
"Have you hit your head? There's two of us staying here" I look at her look at her for signs of a concussion
She let's out a little chuckle knowing I have not spotted what she's talking about
"And how many beds do you see"?
I look at the room in front of me properly for the first time since I walked in and my eyes go wide. There is only one bed.
"Well shit they must have given us the wrong room, right?
"Wait here ill go and speak to the person at the desk"

25 minutes later Leah returns a little red in the face
"Overbooked the hotel, can't accommodate a double room" she's mumbling under breath I catch the occasional group of words "how does this happen"
"You good? How did it go?"
" well let's hope the competition is better organised than this hotel, they can't get us a room with separate beds for a few days and there's no free rooms so we have to stay here until a room frees up"
"Wow Karen did you give the person at the desk the full captain Leah mode?" I've gotten a bit of a second wind and I am seeing the funny side in this especially when I can poke at a very tired and frustrated blonde
She gives me a hard stare before rubbing her eyes
"Look we're stuck with one bed you take it and I'll sleep on the floor"
" Why? It's a double bed we can share" wow no sleep has me being very bold
A little shocked she looks at the bed weighing up sleeping on the hard floor or sharing.
"Well I mean, we can for a couple nights as long as you're okay with it?" Hide your excitement for christ sakes and act nonchalant
"Yeah cool mate all good in the hood" ohh God shoot me now
Her eyebrows creased and a stunned smile on her face she heads to the bed to put her bag down
" okaaaay mate, now that's sorted do you want to head out an explore a little I heard some of the girls say they were going to the beach?"
"Yes 100% I'm down, a bit of volleyball to loosen us up?"
" you're on kid" She has a cocky look in her eye that makes me think I might have made a mistake suggesting it

A few hours later and a definitive victory for Leah I am a sweaty mess, why did I think at 5'3 I could challenge a her at 5'7 to a game of volleyball. Yes we are both athletes at the top of our game but im not good enough to bend the laws of physics and grow 4 inches.
"Good game kid, unlucky to have lost"
" if I had any energy I would push you over, you should think about changing sports"
"Ahh don't give her any idea, we can't lose our captain before the world cup" Lucy bronze says, she was on my team and honestly was carrying the high shots I just did a lot of running and setting.
"She wouldn't leave us, she loves us too much" kiera says who was partnered with her best friend Leah. To the untrained eye this was a very sporty double date with Lucy and Kiera being in a well established relationship
" hmmm I think I need to weigh up my options, volleyball has the beach, what do you guys have to offer for me to stay?"
The win had her in a playful mood
"Well if you stay I will let you see my game worn Ronaldo shirt" I stun everyone with the comment and see Leah look at me mouth a a little open
"Well y/n you have yourself a deal"

I lay down in the sand listening to the water crash against the shore laughter still echoing around my small group and I am happy with to be here with the team and to have the opportunity to relax before the real work begins tomorrow

"Right guys hate to pull the captain card but we need to be up early for training tomorrow so we should probably head back"
"Yes boss" I say with a little sarcasm but as I look up I see Leah raise an eyebrow in response. Ohh so she like to be in charge, we will see about that

Back at the hotel we have a quick team dinner as everyone is knackered and head to out rooms with strict instructions to be at the pitch ready to work at 0900, which with Sarina means 0830 at the latest. Back at the room Leah and I get ready in a comfortable silence and as I'm brushing my teeth I hear laughter from the main room.
Fuck, I finish brushing my teeth and walk out the bathroom to see Leah holding Mr wobbles investigating him
"Leah meet Mr wobbles, he has been everywhere with me and is a vital member of the squad"
"Ohh well in that case I apologise Mr wobbles, I didn't mean to disrespect you"
I laugh, she is very cute when she is being silly her eyes sparkle with the playfulness and shakes his paw in a formal greeting!
"Are you done mocking? Shall we get to bed?" She turns suddenly serious
" I would never mock you, only tease" she lightens up at the last few words
I turn off the light and climb into bed
"Crap, sorry we probably should have discussed which sides we sleep on before turning off the lights"
I had sat right on her
"It's okay, take whichever side you want im easy" I slide into the side she's not on
"I hope not" I say under my breath as I get into bed
"Er nothing" I hoping she didn't hear that slip of the tongue

A couple minutes pass of us laying on our backs staring at the ceiling neither one of us able to sleep like this

"Y/n this may be a little weird and feel free to say no but I can't sleep in a bed with someone with out being big spoon.... no pressure and the option to for me to sleep on the floor is still open but i"
I cut her off before she can keep rambling on
"Go for it, I always enjoy a cuddle in bed" luckily on the outside I'm being cool but inside my heart is beating double time. Without anything else said she turns over and stretches her left arm under my head and moves her body behind mine closing the space between us while her right arm goes across my waist resting om my stomach. Is this really happening or did the plane crash in a fireball and I went to heaven? Her heart is beating fast against my back and her breath is causing goosebumps on my neck. If she only knew half of the reactions from my body because of her touch she would pull away immediately! I could feel my nipples harden from the tingles her breath was causing on my neck and my vagina was pulsing as her hand was stroking my stomach in circles ever so slightly getting closer and closer to the waistline of my shorts. Her breathing is controlled as she scoots closer lips grazing my neck as she says a sleepy good night. I pretend to be asleep already as I do not trust my voice to sound normal when inside I am on fire from her touch. If she does this again I don't know it my will power will hold out, I already know I'm not going to get much sleep tonight.

A/n Into the euro final for the Lionesses what a game, what a team!! Come on England!!!

The captain and me Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang