Chapter 6

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Draven took Orion's advice and got Lynetta a bracelet from the market. It was thread, braided and woven to create a bright pattern. It was unique, like her.

He rode Frost to her house. It was definitely a trek out into the middle of nowhere. He was not prepared for her to have an entire estate.

A large, bright house appeared, surrounded by luscious gardens and a barn. He saw the chickens that Lynetta had told him about in a coop off on its own

He was really confused by that. He knew that she struggled to make ends meet with her multiple jobs, so why did she have such a big place?

Lynetta came outside as soon as he had come in the gate. He dismounted from Frost, leading him closer to her.

"Hi," Lynetta said. She looked so lovely and relaxed im her own home. Her hair was down and free, framing her face. "I'm so glad you found my place okay. Do you want to put Frost in the field with Storm? It's not too cold. He could borrow a blanket."

"Sure. Frost loves company."

He followed her to the pasture. Storm was just as magestic as Lynetta had described. He was off in the distance under some shade of a large tree, grazing. It was peaceful.

Draven pulled the saddle and bridle from Frost, letting him run free.

"I am a little confused," Draven admitted. "I didn't expect all of this."

Lynetta smiled, "I inherited this land and everything from my father. It's a lot of upkeep."

"It's beautiful out here," he added. "Just like you."

A light blush filled her cheeks, and she led him to the house.

The steps leading up to the porch creaked under his weight. The outside looked weathered down up close, but the inside was a totally different story.

It wasn't up to date by any means, but it felt cozy and warm. It smelled delightful, and everything about it just felt very Lynetta. For the first time in a long time, Draven felt like he could fully relax and enjoy the company.

"I made some stew, and I baked us some fresh garlic bread. It's George's recipe of course."

She moved to the kitchen, fiddling with the stove. Draven watched from a distance for a moment.

"Come here," he demanded.

He held open his arms, and she stepped into them, pressing her face into his chest. He ran the flat of his palm against her back.

"This feels odd," Draven said to her softly.

She gave a gentle laugh, looking up at him. "It does. It feels very private."

He reached for her hand. "Close your eyes." He waited until she did so, tying the bracelet he got for her around her delicate wrist. He pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

She opened her eyes, finding his once more, before she glanced at her wrist.

She smiled, a big true one this time. "Draven, this is beautiful. I love it. Thank you."

"You are welcome," he said, kissing her cheek.

"Did you get one?" Lynetta asked, still admiring the precious gift.

"Me?" He furrowed his brows. She reached up to smooth away some of the lines the expression created. His lips found her finger tips.

"Yes." She gave another tinkle of a laugh. He adored the sound. "They're friendship bracelets."

"Oh," he answered. He still did not fully understand.

"You tie them on a wrist of a friend and make a wish," she explained. "I used to make really simple ones in school, but nothing this complicated and beautiful."

She stood, and he took a moment to admire her as she turned to the stove. The dress she wore framed her beautiful silhouette. He was in such deep shit. He liked her way more than he had ever liked anyone before.

She served him. She didn't need to, but she did. It smelled and looked amazing. It felt comforting, like a family meal, not his typical meal that he ate alone in his room.

"It's incredible," Draven complimented.

She smiled, "Thank you. I'm really glad you came over."

Draven relaxed in his seat. This was one of the best meals he had had in a while, other than her cinnamon rolls of course. "I am too. I've been enjoying getting to know you, Lynetta."

He helped her clean up the dishes. Something was different today. Seeing her in her own element made her seem so much more tantalizing. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

She looked up from the towel she was using to dry the clean dishes, and he couldn't resist leaning down.

Lynetta's breath caught in anticipation as his hand cupped her cheek.

Draven asked, "May I kiss you?"

"I've been waiting for you to," she whispered, leaning into his touch.

He took the bowl from her hand, setting it down on the counter. He cupped her cheeks, bending down to press his lips to hers gently.

She wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him closer.

Kissing her was indescribable. Being close enough to another person to finally let his guard down made him want her even more. She made him feel safe, and needed. He trusted her.

The thought shocked him like cold water to his system. He pulled back, soaking her in. She opened her eyes, smiling brightly up at him.

"You're looking at me funny," she teased. "Am I bad kisser?"

"Hardly," Draven scoffed. "I just feel really lucky that I found your cinnamon rolls."

Lynetta laughed, a full laugh that she had to throw her head back to release.

"You did. You had to track me down."

"You weren't very forthcoming." He bit back his own smile, bumping his cheek with hers.

Her eyes were twinkling with amusement. "There are rumors about you, King Blackwell."

He loved her teasing. The fact that she felt comfortable enough around him to be exactly who she was settled some of the nerves that wound in his stomach. Maybe she was exactly what he was missing from his mundane life.

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