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It's prom night, but I wasn't planning to attend because of what occurred; I'm fine, but Erica is not; however, she insisted that I attend and insisted that I spend the night with her

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It's prom night, but I wasn't planning to attend because of what occurred; I'm fine, but Erica is not; however, she insisted that I attend and insisted that I spend the night with her. Since that day, I've been stuck writing in my diary, so Isabella's outburst of sorrow was not unexpected as she learned what had occurred.

Yes, I own a dairy. Since two months ago, I have written everything I feel about the impending death of my mother and this new chapter in my life. My feelings towards Lorenzo.

In addition, I prepared future-oriented plans. First, obtain a job to cover your rent, food, clothing, and school supplies. I have this resolved.

I will work in a cafe or wherever else that is available. Do not allow anything to distract you from your studies. Those are the only two plans I have for the future. Wait! Visit Lisa every Christmas, or during the holidays if I am free.

I wouldn't be able to see Lisa for a while, so I will give money to my aunt around Christmas to assist her. Alexa is moving with her boyfriend to New York.

The man is so wealthy that he can do whatever he wants with his father's money. Not speaking in wrong way. They will attend high school there while Alexa's boyfriend's grandmother cares for the infant.

It seems so simple to them. Yes, I intended to relocate to New York after completing my studies. Erica has told her friends that she will move to New York as soon as she can afford a new studio there.

"Are you just going to stare at yourself in the mirror, or are you going to answer our question?" I have been observing myself for the past few minutes, as Erica inquired.

Why? Over the past week, my confidence has grown to the point where I'm surprised I haven't entertained any negative thoughts. "I would rather observe myself in the mirror than respond to you guys," I stated.

They sigh "When did your ego boost?" Bella exclaims in astonishment that she had accomplished her goal of being herself and being confident in who she is.

I have served as my own therapist for some time. I sat on the bed and said, "I don't know guys, I'm just feeling good about myself." Isabella exclaimed, "Oh baby, what have I turned you into?"

I have been much too close to Isabella to comprehend that I am becoming like her. She is confident, beautiful, and will tell you the truth right in front of your face if necessary; nevertheless, she cannot control her lips.

"Bella, please," I chuckle, "You two look like a snack right now." Erica bites her bottom lip, and Isabella begins, "You know what I know." We hum.

"Everyone I hang out with is obviously hot since I'm hot too," she chuckles, "I suppose she was drunk before she had the drink." Erica stared at her and then at me before glancing at her.

We break into laughing, and I remark, "It's great to have the three of us back." We are simply taking too long to get to the prom despite the fact that we are already dressed and have prepared everything else necessary.

(A/N: this is Elora's prom outfit; do not criticize me, I have poor taste)

(A/N: Isabella prom dress)

I plant a kiss on Erica's cheek and so does Bella as we say, "We have to go." "Love you guys, remain careful, and remember there are no guys," Isabella essentially cautioned us.

Since her breakup with Mason, she has made it a habit to make out with boys at school, but they are merely one-night stands. I know she loves him.

However, she does not want to love him since she is afraid of being loved or loving someone.

"Got it," she indicated with a thumbs-up as we down the stairs to meet Lina and her mother. "Look at them all grown up," the mother exclaims with tears in her eyes. "You guys look beautiful" Lina compliment us.

"Mom, I love you and everything, but if you cry, you'll ruin my makeup," I cautioned. "I know, I know," she responds, wiping away her tears. "Go have fun," she instructs.

Everyone gathers with their partners at the celebration. A group of strangers making out in the corner of the room. It is rather common in high school.

He is now present. With Emily, he stared at me as if I were the only person in the room. I have no expectations because he doesn't care, so why should I care?

(Designation: Emily dress)

As usual, Emily was there flaunting herself. I perceive no malice in his eyes as he regarded me from head to toe. Pure.

As Mason approaches, I turned my back on him and said, "So," before beginning, "I'm going to get a drink." She then walked away, and I saw Mason approaching. As soon as he saw her leave, a scowl appeared on his face, but he immediately concealed it.

He inquired, "How is this going?" I responded, "I'm fairly certain it will end badly," to which he nodded. "Who is your prom date?" I asked him. "What's the matter with this guy, he's awful! Who talks about school at a prom party?" He made a repulsive face.

Taking a sip of his drink, he says, "Anyway, I'm probably just going to make out with him; I doubt he doesn't even know how to kiss." "I suppose so," I said looking at the man who was awkwardly standing there.

"Planning on getting drunk?" I responded, "Yes, very much," and he responded, "Oh, you bad girl, I was hoping you'd go home at 11." "Why?"

"There are too many people in here, and anyone can bother you; I'm just being the protective sibling," he added as he approached the geek and shoved his tongue into his lips.

I gasp in shock. He simply went there and threw it there. Isabella likely believes he is over her, but he is not. Isabella has made out with males, which he has witnessed and agrees with.

They are unknowingly causing harm to one other. "Elora correct?" A man with brown hair and blue eyes approached me with two drinks.

"Yes," I replied with a smile. "I just wanted to give you this drink." He then grabbed the beverage and handed it to me. Which I took it. "You have my attention," he blurted out.

"Thank you, I suppose, you're a really gorgeous man," I remark as I sip my drink. I tell the man, "Give me a moment" when my phone rings. I unlock my phone.


Lorenzo: honey, you shouldn't have consumed that beverage.

Have I blocked him? And he has the audacity to send me a message after what he did? I am no longer the good girl that everyone believes I am.

I block him and then look at myself. I wish for him to experience the same pain I felt when he broke me. "What is your name?" I inquired. "Nick" was his response.

"Nick, would you mind having a little fun with me?" I asked. His eyes lit up and a smirk appeared on his face. I looked over my shoulder and saw a furious Lorenzo.

His loss was not mine.

I accomplished my desires. Revenge. I give Nick a passionate kiss, which he returns. His hands were on my waist, drawing me closer. I gladly enjoy it.

We sat on chairs while devouring one other's faces. While kissing Nick, I stared Lorenzo in the eyes while maintaining eye contact. He was angry and distressed at the same time.

I appreciate that it worked. During my kiss with Nick, I made direct eye contact with Lorenzo. I retreat to seek some fresh air. Nick chuckles, "I never thought you'd be a decent kisser." I was sitting on his lap with his hands on my hip.

"I am amused as well." I said, "I'll fetch us a drink," and then jumped from his lap. I felt the intensity in Lorenzo's eyes. He observes me as I grab two beverages.

Isabella approached me and asked, "What have I created?" I'm somewhat amazed that I practically made out with someone whose name I don't even know.

"Let me tell you, that makeout session was sizzling, the way you thrust your —" I let her go "Enough," I chuckle. "Lorenzo was not too pleased with the situation"

Which cares? I then walked to Nick, handed him his beverage, and got on his lap. As he kissed my neck, he murmured, "Perhaps we should move this conversation elsewhere."

"Maybe you should cool out; it's not like I'd sleep with you," I rolled my eyes in response. He pauses, "So what?" Nick asked. When he says, "Let's dance," I leap off his lap and proceed to the dance floor.

Which they play slow dance music for the assembled couples. Isabella gives me a thumbs-up as she finishes her beverage.

My hands were on Nick's shoulder and his hands were on my waist when I noticed Emily giving me a filthy look. Essentially, I smiled at her and muttered "Happy?"

She completely averted her gaze. I couldn't take my eyes off him, Lorenzo, as we all danced. I would be lying if I said he doesn't look good; he does.

Occasionally, I wonder why I fell for him. The true question is whether or not he ever liked me. I shall inquire of him, but the answer will be negative.

Since he is committed, I shall not speak with him. I do not despise Emily, but I despise the way she views others and her self-centeredness.

Respect people. You cannot be attractive if you have a dark heart; she is gorgeous, but not on the inside. If she weren't such a jerk to me and others, we would have at least been friends.

It's no longer matters because I'm beginning a new life somewhere; everything that occurred here will remain here.

Perhaps I will miss this place. Everyone is preparing what they will do after they leave this place, or when they graduate from high school.

Mrs. Green, the principal, calls everyone's attention, as they are about to select the prom queen and king. I am certain I wouldn't be in it, but I don't care; I just want tomorrow to arrive soon.

Graduation day is tomorrow, and I am excited. Mrs. Green began gushing about how incredible we are as students and all that blah blah blah. "Now," she began.

"We have already selected the prom King and Queen." Everyone cheers in anticipation of learning whether they would be crowned prom queen or king.

I'm sleepy.

Ms. Carter hands Mrs. Green a piece of paper, and I couldn't care less who is who. Mrs. Green cautiously unfolded the paper as everyone stared......

I believe they were concerned that they would not be chosen, but why should they care? it's not as if they would become Queen Elizabeth.

She finally opens her eyes, and her expression reveals that she is surprised. "One, two, three," she counts, and then she yells, "Elora Baker and Lorenzo Rosario." As she should, everyone was astonished, and now they are all gazing at me.

Why me and him and why him and me though?! Emily became dumbfounded and glared at me as if she were going to murder me.

I disregarded her as we approached the stage. "Mrs. Green. Why was I chosen?" I murmur to her while feigning a smile to the throng. "You are the best student here, and you have a positive influence on Lorenzo."

Me? Influence Lorenzo? No, he influenced himself to be a good guy. What can I say?

They placed crowns on our heads, and I'm extremely scared around him despite the fact that we're only separated by about ten feet.

"Elora, deliver your address" "Mrs.Green, what address? I had not even considered that." I cleared my throat and approach the microphone.

When I say, "I don't know what to say, but I'll express what's on my mind," everyone nods in agreement. "My dad is deceased...." I chuckle. It was not the best year of my life.

"However, I'm still standing and making my mother proud." Everyone applauded when I stated, "I simply wanted to express that even if you had a horrible day, be tough."

I stepped to the side to avoid Lorenzo and said, "Uh, don't try to toy with girls to think you're cool; I thought it was nice since everyone wanted to be with me, but I learned that you shouldn't do to others what your history did to you."

Everyone applauded.
I'm exhausted I kick off my heels and instantly lie down on my bed while searching my purse for my phone. A letter looks odd because I have never carried a letter in my handbag.

Who even added that? I swiftly open the envelope.

To my beloved Elle,
This letter is to inform you that everything I said during our breakup was a lie. I'm marrying Emily because my father pushed me to, and I have no choice but to comply. Isabelle. I never imagined I would be writing this to a woman, but here I am doing so. The unique individual in my life.

Elle You bring joy to my life, you're the only person who could make me fall madly in love with you, you're the person I want to spend my entire college year with, no, I want to spend my entire life with, and I never thought I would fall for you.

You are the one I want to wake up with in my chest, the one I want to cuddle when I feel empty, the one I want to create memories with, and the one I want to adore. Your personality and beauty are unlike anything I've ever seen in another individual.

Your voice is the only voice I want to hear; it's like my favorite song. Your eyes are my favorite thing to see; your hands are my favorite to hold; your lips are my favorite to kiss; and your touch drives me insane. Your manner of speech makes me nervous.
You are my entire world, and I want nothing but you. I want you to know that.

I want you to know that I will always love you, even if I end up marrying someone else in the future.
Your humor and smile, the way you sketch, and everything you accomplish in life would never bore me.

My affection for you will never diminish.

I assure you I'll be with you shortly.

I love you my sweet Elle.

Your Lover,

I could only cry, so I placed the note on the bedside table. No one has ever confessed their love for me in this manner; no one has ever told me they love me. I love you too Lorenzo.

Is like a barrier preventing us from being together and joyful. I cannot contain my want for him to be with me.

I just want a hug and assurance that everything will be okay and I will be happy once more.

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