Chapter 17: TLC

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"Water...I need water."

Oliver isn't too aware of what the exact time is, when he feels the campervan wobble a little more than usual, followed by the slam of the door and topped off with the nasty sound of someone being sick. He sits up fractionally. " that you?" He questions in a groggy tone, but soon realises it must be him, when the space next to him is empty. He gets out from under his sheets and shuffles forwards on his bottom to the door and opens it, to see Morton doubled over, being sick by the wheel of the van. "Hey, you ok?" Oliver approaches cautiously as he places a hand on Morton's back.

"!" Morton again throws up, with Oliver backing away a little to avoid being splashed.

"Ah Morton. I did say they were a little pink in the middle." He returns his hand to Morton's back, rubbing it affectionately.

"Why are you not being sick?" He huffs breathlessly, before another lot spewed out.

"I just don't get sick that often. Mum says I have the stomach of a trash can." He chuckles, but the mildly amusing joke is lost on his friend.

"Water. I need water." He gasps. "I think I'm done."

Oliver guides Morton to sit down in the van's open doorway as he clambers inside to locate a bottle. "Here." He says, momentarily sitting by his friend, giving him the water to drink. Morton then notices a bucket in the other hand.

"What's that for?" Morton questions. "I don't feel sick any more."

"To clean up your mess you idiot." Oliver rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna go fill it up."

Morton glances down at the mess he had made. The sight made his stomach twinge. "I...I'll do it." He tries to resist the urge to retch again as he reaches out for the bucket but Oliver pulls it away.

"It's fine. You rest. I'll do it." Oliver pushes Morton back lightly by the shoulder. "I'm used to it."

Morton lays back, resting on his elbows. "What do you mean? I've only been sick in front of you once before..."

"I don't mean it like that." Oliver interrupts. "My first job when I moved to London was at a club. You name it, I mopped it. You get desensitised after a while."

"Sounds disgusting." Morton pulls a face of displeasure.

"It was, but someone had to do it." He gets up and turns to face him once more. "Just rest. Ok?"

Morton huffs out a sigh as he heads back into the camper. He watches Oliver disappear out of sight, finally resting his head back, looking up at the ceiling. Oliver was the best. The best friend he had ever had, or could ever wish for. Always there to keep him company when he had been working in Clark's book shop. Forgiving of his mistakes and errors of judgement. It seemed Oliver would do anything for him. Even trade his own body for this old van. That is why he was determined not to cross that line. Not to tell Oliver how he really felt about him. Never use him for his own desires. That feeling would be best to remain hidden. That feeling which seemed to have been slowly building since they sent the language teacher away.

Oliver had never been Morton's type on paper. He would never pursue a guy like Oliver on a night out, but it seemed he had found an attraction in his friend he hadn't noticed before, something more than skin deep. And now he just couldn't unsee it.

He soon hears Oliver return. The sound of the water washes away the mess, with Oliver finally getting back inside. "All done. No one would ever know." He half whispers, wondering if his friend was asleep already, but sees he isn't, when he gradually rests on his side.

"You keep seeing me at my worst. I'm sorry." Morton says a little groggily.

Oliver lays next to Morton on his back. "And you've seen me at mine." He says with a sheepish grin.

"When?" Morton wonders.

"I should say thankyou for yesterday. That guy. I guess I sometimes need saving from myself." He looks at Morton. He is hesitant as he sees Morton just looking back at him. "I've never really been loved by someone. People like that Neil guy and Mr Rodriguez make me feel alive, needed. Like I mean something to them, even if it's just for a while." He sighs as he looks up to the ceiling. "Stupid right?"

"It's not stupid. I'd say that was pretty human. We all want someone to love and hopefully to love us back. It's just sometimes our choices may need refining. That's all." Morton pats Oliver on his arm.

"Thanks." Oliver chuckles. His eyes slowly close.

Morton watches for a moment as he sees Oliver at rest. The moonlight through the thin curtains seemed to pick out his profile. Oliver's nose was petite, his lips seemed to peak and trough, his chin defined, but not too pronounced. "Oliver...?" Morton says with a swallow.

"Mmm?" He hums, not even opening his eyes.

"Do you think you'll ever change?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, will you ever stop looking for love?" Morton can feel his heartbeat quicken as he asked the question.

"I guess there's a cut off point where I may give up. Like when I'm 50 or something like that." Oliver chuckles before yawning.

"You should be patient. That person may be closer than you think." Morton momentarily goes quiet, his mind at a crossroads. Maybe the fact they were in semi darkness, maybe because he felt fragile in that moment, allowed him to continue with what he wanted to say. "That person could be right here. Lying right next to you..."

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