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Scene. (Continue.)

Eva.. Who is at the door?” I ask Eva through mind link. I try to sit up straight in the bed by pain erupts from my torso. My muscles in my leg feel so weak and let my body lay back on bed.

“Dr. Miller, Maxwell and Demi are here.” She says through mind link and few seconds later, Dr. Miller with My mate Eva walk in the room.

“How are you feeling ? Alpha.” Dr. Miller ask in his not so sweet voice. He is all well dressed up in professional Black suit and blue tie and my eyes move over to my Beautiful Mate Eva. She is dressed in baggy sweatshirt and black pants, she looks stunning as ever.

“I am just fine as it is. Glad to be not dead.” I say.

“It’s good to hear that son i am glad that you are okay. I am sure Our Dr. Luna is taking good care of you.” He says and walk by the side of my bed where I lay.
“Now I and going to check few thing.” He places his stethoscope on my chest and then check my limb reflexes along with few other things before speaking again.

“Everything  looks fine and you are recovering well. But I would like to recommend at least one month of complete bed rest. No harsh exercise or activities out of the room.”

“I can think of some activities I can do in this room.” I say and glance over to Eva, she is all blushing red.

You have a dirty mind. But I like that idea.’ Anna, Eva’s wolf mind links me and a smile spreads on my face.

“No physical activity at all. Your Lung need time to recover from the trauma, same is with your muscles.” Dr. Miller says in his professional tone.

He turns over to Eva and discuss the medication for my recovery and leaves. Eva walks Mr. Miller out of the room, leaving me all alone in the room. I have a strange feeling in my gut, it’s kind of irritating me to not know what it is.

As soon as Mr. Miller leaves, my Beta Maxwell walks in with Eva’s cat in hand. I see his big grin over his stupid face. “What’s up bro..?” he asks. He places himself over the chair by the side of the bed.

“I am your Alpha. You stupid man. Give your Alpha some respect.” I say in my irritated voice.

“I am your best friend. And for your kind information your mate is current working Alpha of the pack and I must say she is pretty good at it, much better than you.” He grins and pets the smelly Cat on the head.

Getting all irritated by the situation and this foreign smell. I ask “What’s with this stupid smell?. It’s irritating me and my wolf.”

Smile from his stupid face fell and his complete attention is on me as he asks. “Eva didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” I ask.
Did Eva adopt a new creature?. New cat? It was all over her and I didn’t like her smelling like anyone else other than us.’ My wolf mind links me.

“I will let Eva tell you the news.” Why is he so secretive over such things.

“What news?” I ask in irritation. It’s getting on my nerves. With in instance Eva walks in the master bedroom with Demi holding two trays of food. I again smell the same annoying smell all over Eva.

“I got us some food.” Eva says and  just ignores my questioning glare and moves over to her side of bed.

“How are you feeling Alpha?” Demi asks respectfully.

“I am Feeling Alright.” I reply.

“Maxwell, could you please help Liam to sit up straight by the headboard.” She asks Maxwell and he helps me to sit up.
Room fells all quiet, too quiet for my liking.

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