do you still see me as your brother?

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"He's been gone for some time now..." the acting grand master, Jean, says, a worried look in her eyes.

Jean lets out a soft anxious sigh as she gets up from her work desk. It's been around 4 hours since kaeya had told them of his short leave. 4 hours of rain, thunder, and no update to where he had gone or what he's doing. Diluc had already told the knights who were looking for him that he had not visited the bar at all today. Saying that he thought that he must've just been busy with work.

"Im worried," the look on jeans face was nothing short from a worried mother whose son went missing. Though, if kaeya did go missing she knew who'd blame themselves more than her...

As the blonde leaves her office she notices two figures of familiar colors conversing near the library door. The red haired man with fancy black clothes gives her a small glance before focusing back on the purple dressed librarian. Walking towards them she shakes away the look of fear and anxiety that still haunted Jean inside. The air of the KOF lobby was tense with worry, she didn't want to add more to the already anxious others.

"Still nothing?" dilucs low voice rumbled like a growl. If he tried hard enough he could probably shake the paintings off the walls.

"I've already talked with the other knights, and yes, they had nothing. I sent a few of them out of the city, so hopefully he isn't too far," the acting grand master's calm words did not match the emotions she felt inside. She was worried sick.

"Hes never usually gone this long, and i doubt he went out to slack off the job... that boy," letting out a sigh, lisa places her hand on jeans shoulder, comforting her as she lightly caresses.

After what seemed to have been 30 more minutes of discussing possible outcomes and other items of mission, the large door behind them leading outside blasts open. A short blonde headed boy beelined towards them. His usual cryo cold eyes had turned into a darker abyssal color, but his intent was far from anything "evil". In fact, he looked pained, guilty maybe, or was it fear? Neither of the three could tell, and it seemed like he couldn't as well.

"Albedo? What happened!?" jeans brave facade washed away when his soaking wet figure approached. His clothes smelt of rain and dirt. Looking down slightly she can see mud marks on his knees and clenched fists.

"We need Barbara out there now. His condition doesn't look good, pulse is faint, but hes alive and breathing. He seemed to have passed out at windrise," the cold and broken voice of albedo caught them all off guard.

"Where? Where is he!?" diluc cried, firm hands grabbing onto albedo's wet shoulders. His eyes were flaming with emotions he couldn't comprehend.

"Follow me."

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