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"Did it hurt?" Thalia asks me, getting closer to my face each time.

"Did what hurt?" I give in to her questions and she laughs to herself before answering me.

"When you fell from heaven." She trails off and laughs again.

She hides her face in my chest as her giggles become ever lasting. She's been laughing for the past ten minutes but I wasn't even tired of it yet.

"I just love corny pick up lines." She sighs as her laughter dies down.

I was in a room full of high fuckers and my sweet Thalia, I was tempted to get high myself but restrained myself because I was the designated driver. I had to drive Thalia back home safely .

"Thalia, Thalia, you..." Duke stands up but trips over his own feet when he attempts to come over here.

He falls in front of Thalia, causing more giggles to come out of her. She had only eaten one brownie and was acting like she ate five. But I guess that was just her personality.

She didn't need the weed, half of the time the way she was acting was her being herself.

"Let's dance!" Hanna stands up on her own and starts 'dancing' or whatever the fuck that was.

"But there's no music.." Zack trails off and plops down on the floor, laying down face first on the carpet.

"Dance with us Heath!" Zoe's annoying high pitch voice calls for me but I pretend not to fucking hear her.

I just wanted to stay here in my spot on this couch and watch Thalia. I grunt when I see her walking over here but Thalia surprised me when she wraps her arms around me tightly.

"No. The only person he can dance with is me." She tells her and I smirk at her, watching Zoe glare down at her.

She better wipe that glare off her face, she rolls her eyes and sits back down. Thalia let's go of me and gets on all fours.

"I wanna lay on the floor too! Duke lay with me." She looks over at Duke who was passed out, leaning on the foot of the sofa.

"Heath will you lay with me on the floor?" She asks gently and I was going to say no but the look she gives me is impossible to turn down.

I sigh, in annoyance as I get down on the dirty ass carpet and lay on my side besides her. She smiles at me and lays her cheek on her hand.

" I ated a weed brownie." She bursts out laughing for the tenth time today.

"My dad is going to be mad." She holds her hand up to her mouth as she erupts in laughter.

"Do I sound like I ate weed?" She asks, gasping her face turns serious.

"You make no sense, so yes." I trail my finger down her cheek and tuck away hair from her face.

She closes her eyes as I gently trail my finger over her face, she relaxes into my touch and when I stop she jolts awake.

"I wanna leave now. Can we go?" She gets on her knees and stands up.

"Duke we're going." She shakes Duke aggressively and he's wide awake.

"Where are we going?" Jasper asks, even though nobody was fucking talking to him.

"We're going somewhere?" Zoe chimes in and I roll my eyes at the sound of her voice.

"You're not." I tell her and she frowns.

"We're leaving." I tell them and wrap my arm around Thalias small waist as I help her out the house.

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