𝕮21: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗

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C21: The Last Monster

(A/N: Imagine properly)

Ayanokouji's POV


The earth trembled below as I could hardly stand. Looking towards the epicentre of the rumbling, the true fear was pierced into the faces of my surrounding crowd as the female titan's eye opened. It was too soon; it seems It concentrated its regeneration to that certain point since my count should have been accurate. Everyone scattered around as I walked to a safer distance watching as it got up from the piercing wound on its stomach. It seems that was a bust. A small miscalculation but accounted for nonetheless. I could feel it's eyes scanning for it's target, which was me. One moment I was hiding, the next I felt it's hot breath on my neck. I turned around to it smiling at me sitting on the ground at my level.

Sigh, it's breath stinks.

"Quite a strange situation." I said as it's hand reached out to grab me, as instead of running away from it. I shot my ODM at it's face and pulled towards it escaping it's hand barely. This offensive action was indeed unexpected, as it tried backing off thinking I was about to pull off another one of my unexpected ploys. But quite anticlimactically, I simply stood there as it pushed itself back. I asked it, "Are you scared of me? How pitiful for a titan of your calibre." I shot back as I said that insult and instigated it.

It seemed to have worked, as it got back into form and started running towards me. The difference this time, was that it was vigilant of me. It seems trying to trick it again, it was going to be a wasted effort. I swung through the broken buildings as the fire raged on. It seems, the others were alerted of the titan running wild as I noticed in the distance, them swinging by trying to attack it. This should be a bit easier to manage if they follow the contingency I made, in case my earlier plan didn't work. How did I plan it? It was just using the titan's massacre and destruction against itself. Since it had gotten up and caused another extremely wide area of damage along with the rumbling below, it was enough to send a signal to the headquarters that something was definitely wrong.

Right now I had to concentrate. I kept swinging around tight edges as the the titan chased after me. I swung into the broken tower and it smashed right through it. But what it didn't realise, is that I had learned the architecture of this place a while back. Not just that, after the boulder incident I had noticed that this tower was the most stable structure left. Hence as expected, the hole through the tower held it for a while as I quickly and effectively wrapped an interesting knot around it's hand with the special rope I had bought.

'Here you are Kiyotaka. But are you sure this is for training purposes?'

'Yes, it is Captain Hanji. I simply want to test out different ropes for my ODM.'

'Oh, I see, after that Eren thing, you are after all under great scrutiny, training is definitely the optimal way to get your mind off it. Oh also, don't forget we experiment at sharp 9 am tomorrow.'

'Let's see.'

'Yup! So this rope is probably the strongest we have. This is what we used to hold down the titan back there, though considering how heavy and thick it is, it's a really crappy ODM string.'

'I will keep that in mind.'

Why was this knot interesting? Given that this knot tightened the harder you pulled. It wasn't out of the ordinary what happened next. The titan tried to pull it's hand free but the rope kept cutting deep into the titan's muscular hand. It as expected, tried to calcify it but it was simply distracted as I got out of the building through the side and swung at it's nape with all the power I could use at that moment. I reached it's nape as It was trying it's best to pull out it's hand without cutting it off. If the rope was really strong enough, it should at least cut it off given the low density the titans possess and the pressure exerted by that small rope on it's enormous skin.

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