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"I can't believe I was so obsessed to trying to not get bullied,I let you turn me into one"savanna said
"We're not bullies"Mindy said
I was listening in the bathroom stall
"You might not know what angel is going through but I do,I know exactly what it feels like to hate yourself and I don't think she is a freak"savanna said
"You think I don't know how it feels to hate myself"Mindy said
"Please you might spend a lot of time looking at yourself in the mirror but I don't think you have really looked at yourself because if you have you know you are just as basic as the rest of us"savanna said I heard one of the girls went into the stall next to me and then I heard another.


It was after school we was in a diner most of the school was my aunt was also there she was meeting a friend.

I was sitting with the ducks guy had his arm around me as we chatted until the whole diner was quiet to hear two people shouting.

"Are you doing it?"Savannah's mum shouted
"No I'm not"savanna shouted back
"Have you got no idea how bad this self harming is"she shouted
"It's not me who is doing it,it's angel"savanna shouted without thinking she looked Me in they eye with a sorry expression the whole diner was looking at me,guy pulled up my arm sleeves "stop"I said but it was too late he saw them I looked at my aunt with the same expression that savanna did to me.

Once we got home in about two minutes my aunt searched my room she found the little bag she started emptying it on the table I was watching her with tears in my eyes I could see a few tear come from her eyes too guy was calling my phone i left it.

"Why angel why?"my aunt said
"I think you should see some one professional to help you angel"my aunt said
"No I don't knees to do that you're making this into a bigger deal than what it is I just do it to take the pressure off some times it's not like I'm mentally ill or something"I said I grabbed my jumper and walked to the door
"Angel can you not see this is not normal behaviour and you need to see some one about this until it turns a lot worst"my aunt said
"I'm not doing it you can't make me"I said and walked out.

It was getting dark my aunt calling me guy too but the pressure got to much again and once again another plaster was needed I walked back home once I got there my aunt was sitting at the kitchen I walked over to her.

"I'm so sorry aunty Diane I promise not to do it again"I said she looked at me with tears in her eyes still
"And because you probably don't trust me"I said and handed her another bag with all the stuff she got up from the chair and hugged me "angel come talk to me next time ok because I love you"she said
"I know auntie"I said
"Go on off to bed it's getting late"she said I kissed her cheek and went to my room and I went to sleep.


I got in the shower and I got dressed some cycling shorts and an over sized jumper and some trainers,I said bye to my aunt then I walked to school definitely not ready to see the school I knew all of them know about it.

Once I got there guy hugged me from behind "angel are you ok"he said
"Yes guy I'm fine I've stopped self harming well I'm going to try"I said guy gave me a big smile "my best girlfriend is going to do it"guy shouted out so the whole school could hear "shhh"I said smiling guy just kissed me then come walking was Mindy and savanna guy said his bye and left "I'm so sorry angel"savanna said "yeah me to angel I know we haven't been the best of friends because I took your boyfriend well ex and I have always been mean to you but maybe we could restart"Mindy said I looked at both of them "I forgive you both"I said "does that mean you will stop"savanna said "yes"I said then I walked to class and we'll it was definitely not the best.

It was the end of school but guy had training so I went to it once I got there I walked into the locker room guy got me flowers and chocolates "I got these for you"he said and handed them to me I hugged him right he gave me a quick kiss I took the flowers and chocolate and walked to the chairs in the rink I watched them train the whole team was doing well I think soon they could beat varsity but what do I know is about hockey nothing at all.

After they finished practice me and guy went to a cinema we watched a movie it was so nice we cuddled up after the movie we went for some food we ended up in McDonald's but I love McDonald's so I didn't mind we sat and ate it was really fun to spend time with guy I feel a lot more comfortable with him then rick,guy is special It started raining hard so me and guy ran out in the rain we was soaked we danced in the rain.

Guys pov:

We was sitting in a diner most of the school including the ducks and angel I was sitting next to her,savanna and her mum was arguing in the middle her mum shouted about self harm savanna said angle was doing it not her angle quickly looked over to me I pulled up her sleeves my heart dropped she then looked at her aunt.


A little longer chapter That one was a rough one.

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