✙ Chapter 3 ✙

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Edited: 11/23/14

The moment I smacked the ground, the werewolves launched at me. At first, I didn't understand what was happening, too overwhelmed with adrenaline and fear. My eyes strained against the sunlight streaming down in-between the branches above with the werewolves at the corner of my vision. They crouched down around me, not hesitating to chomp at me and inflict wounds. Instead of hearing the buzzing of insects and the rushing water of streams, I heard snarls and growls of pleasure. No, I thought, finally realizing that I was being attacked. No! I flailed my arms and legs, attempting to avoid their sharp teeth. I fought against them and I screamed in pain when one of the females bit into my thigh. When she pulled away, her nose was smeared with my blood. Panic rose in my chest and I jerked my fist forward, nailing one in the cheek.

The reddish-brown male--who tore my ankle with his claws--snapped his teeth onto my jacket and started jerking me across the ground. I gasped, feeling the dirt rubbing into my pants and the twigs stabbing into my skin. I gritted my teeth together and slapped his nose, which only caused him to narrow his eyes at me, his white pupils wide. This was it; I was going to die. This was one of the few ways I didn't want to die - by my enemies, meaning they won.

I felt the wounds fading, slowly becoming numb. I witnessed a brown werewolf drag his claws down my thigh, though I barely felt it. My vision started to become blurry with black spots. From the corner of my eye, I saw another chewing at my backpack, destroying my arrows, which angered me. But, I was more focused on my blood scattering the ground, slowly soaking into the soil - I was going to die of blood loss to end the torture, hopefully.

I released a small wheeze and just as I was about to accept death, the Alpha pushed forward with a snarl. I squeezed my eyes shut for a brief moment, bracing myself for his sharp teeth. Yet, I was surprised when he started shoving his pack members away with rage. Around the black spots in my vision, I watched as a few backed away in submission, but some decided to push his limits--one in particular. The reddish-brown male. He continued jerking me across the ground and without hesitation, the Alpha charged at him.

The two of them rammed shoulders, before the Alpha rolled his pack member onto his back and dragged his claws down his belly. The reddish-brown wolf howled in agony while the other members watched, eyes swarming with emotion. Deep inside, someone was screaming for me to get up and take off sprinting, but I was already enveloped with darkness, uttering one last word. "Monster."

* * *

Prying my eyes open, I wasn't surprised to find a mild ache throughout my entire body. A moan escaped my lips and I blinked rapidly, attempting to clear my blurry vision. Flashes of sharp teeth and thick blood appeared around, sending my heart into a frantic beating. I was attacked - I knew that, but I didn't know why I wasn't dead yet. Carefully, I shifted my body, surprised to find an unfamiliar, cotten blanket wrapped around me. What the hell? I thought, glancing down in confusion. I was laying on a bed, buried in blankets with one of my legs propped on a pillow. On alert, I slowly sat upright, glancing around for anybody, only to discover I was alone. Keeping quiet, I peeled the blankets off me until I was able to see my skin, or more specifically, my injuries.

I was surprised to find my injuries mended. The worst one, the one bite mark on my thigh, was bandaged, hiding the ugly mark from me - deep and bloody. A few deep scratches and puncture wounds were bandaged also. Numerous questions were floating through my head, like where was I? Why was I still alive? Why were my injuries taken care of? Taking a deep breath, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and braced myself for the pain of putting pressure on them. I survived the attack; surely, I was capable of surviving some pain. When I stood up, pain exploded in my thigh and I bit my bottom lip, holding back a yelp.

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