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"Who is he?"

He who?

"The one in the red hoodie."

Which one in the red hoodie?

"The one with the black soul."

Black soul?

"Yes, black soul."

The one in the red hoodie and with a black soul?

"Yes, that one. He has darkness all around him."

What darkness?

"The darkness that kills."

I do not see any of that darkness.

"What do you see then?"

I see a man in a red hoodie with red hair to match.

"Is that all you see?"

No, I also see a tormented soul what is grey from loneliness and sadness.

"What else?"

I see a darkness; not around him but around us.

"Darkness around us?''

Yes, around us. The world is a dark place. That is why I do not see the darkness surrounding just him, but surrounding us all as a whole.

"Who is he then?"

I do not know.

"Why not ask him?"

I do not know.

"Are you afraid?"


"Why are you afraid?"

He could hurt me.

"Hurt you?"

Yes, hurt me.

"Hurt you how?"

He could hurt me by getting too close to me and seeing the real me I hide away.

"Do you think he will on purpose?"

No. No one truly hurts anyone on purpose unless they have a black soul.

"Who is he?"

Someone I would like to get to know.

"Why? I thought you were afraid."

I am afraid but I still want to know who he is for some unknown reason.

"Unknown reason?"

Yes, an unknown force is pulling me towards him. It is like the grey soul is crying out to other souls for help. Yet it seems mine is the only one who takes notice.

"Who is he?"

He is a friend.

"A friend?"

Yes, a friend. He is a nice person. He also seems to not be as grey.

"Who is he?"

A friend I have cried over.

"Cried over?"

Yes, he wants to leave this world; leave its darkness forever. I do not blame him though. There are days where even I wish to leave its darkness behind forever.

"What will you do?"

I will support his choice no matter how much it makes me cry.

"Who is he?"

Someone I am slowly falling in love with.

"In love with?"

Yes, in love with. There is something that draws me near him.

"His soul?"

Maybe, whatever it is I am glad to have met him. Even if he can be a bit cruel and insulting; for some unknown reason it does not bother me like it bothers everyone else around him.

"Who is he?"



Yes, happiness. He makes me happy. He makes me feel so many things I did not know I could feel.

"Like what?"

He makes me feel loved, safe, wanted, needed, accepted, and happy; but most of all he makes me feel that I can be me.

"Who is he?"

He is my Hellren.

"Hellren, huh?"

Yes. He will always be my Hellren. My Hellren who keeps me safe, my Hellren who loves me for me, my Hellren who accepts every little thing about me.


Yes, everything.

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