Chapter 7

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Liam POV

Today is the best day of my life.

Today I will get my sister back.

Jason found out that my mother died six years ago. My mother’s husband, Lucy’s stepfather, got custody of my sister when she died.

I was pissed as fuck and ready to burn the fucking world down because the child services didn’t call us when my mother died. She could have been with us for the last 6 years. But Jason found out that my mother forged Lucy's birth certificate, stating that the father was unknown. They didn’t have any other option than to leave her with her stepfather.

Jack Smith works as a part-time janitor at a local elementary school. He is a well-known drunk. Getting custody of her won’t be an issue. Thanks to Jason and my money, I should be her legal guardian in a week, tops. Also, the DNA test will show that we are blood relatives, and it will only go in favor of me taking custody of her. I pulled some strings and I have everything ready to do the DNA test and have the result tomorrow.

We were sitting at the diner, waiting for her to come to work. We decided to tell her today. There is no point in keeping it to ourselves. I’ve already started the process of becoming her legal guardian, and her stepfather should get the news today or tomorrow at the latest.

Besides, I don’t know how long I can keep Theo from blurting it out. I was so close to tying him to the bed yesterday. He kept trying to get out and go to her address. There is no way I’m putting up with him any longer.

Ezra was sitting next to me, bouncing his right leg up and down. Noah and Theo were sitting opposite us. Both of them were nervous. Noah kept biting the skin around his nails, and Theo gripped the edge of a table, trying to calm himself down. He was staring at the kitchen door without blinking.

“Loosen the grip, Theo.” I said. “You are going to break the table.”

I was worried about him. He always had a special connection with her. When she was sick, he got sick too. When he was grumpy, she was the only one who could lift his mood. When he was in pain, he asked for her. He was too dependent on her, and I worry that it will happen again. He is the most possessive of the four of us, and he has always been like that. I am worried that he will scare her. The three of us are used to his possessive behavior, especially Noah. But it will be new to her, and I’m worried about how she will react. I will have to sit down and talk to him.

I heard the kitchen door open, and I looked over my shoulder. Lucy walked out with a coffee pot in her hand. She saw us and smiled. She started walking toward us slowly. She looked different today. She looked like she was tired and in pain. What the hell happened?

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. I could tell that the rest of my brothers noticed the difference in her as well. They had anger and concern written all over their faces.

“Good morning.” Lucy said with a small smile. “Are you ready to order?”

She looked at Ezra, expecting that he would be the one to talk, considering that the rest of us didn’t speak to her yesterday.

I took a deep breath. “Hi, Lucy. My name is Liam. We won’t be ordering anything right now, but we would like to talk to you. Could you sit down with us for a few minutes?”

She looked at me, surprised. I don’t know if it was because I spoke to her or because of what I asked her. Probably both.

She glanced toward the kitchen. “Well, I can’t really sit down with you right now. I’m working. What do you want to talk to me about anyway?”

I nodded at Theo, who stood up and walked over to the door, flipping the sign around to indicate that the diner was closed. He locked the door and walked back to stand next to Lucy.

She was staring at him with confusion and shock. “What did you do?”

“We just want to make sure we won’t get interrupted.” I said, smiling at her. “Please sit down.”

I motioned for her to sit between Noah and Theo. I knew they would want to be the first ones to hold her when we told her the truth.

The kitchen door opened, and the chef boy walked out. He looked at us and narrowed his eyes.

“Lucy, what is going on?” he asked as he started walking toward us. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Mike.” she said with a small smile. “They want to talk to me.”

“Why?” Mike asked, glaring at us.

Theo’s fists clenched and his nostrils flared. I grabbed his arm, stopping him from doing whatever he planned on doing.

“You can sit down too, Mike.” I said calmly. “You will know everything soon anyway.”

He looked at Lucy with a confused expression on his face. She shrugged and looked back at me. I motioned for her to sit down. This time she did. She sat down next to Noah, and Theo sat down next to her.

“Before I begin, I want to ask you if you are okay, Lucy?” I asked with concern. “You look tired.”

She furrowed her eyebrows and gulped slightly. “I didn’t sleep well. But I am okay. Thank you for your concern.”

I nodded, but I knew there was more to the story. I hope she will be comfortable enough to tell us after we tell her the truth.

“Okay, Lucy.” I nodded with a small smile. “As you know, my name is Liam. Next to me is Ezra. On your right is Noah, and on your left is Theo.”

She furrowed her eyebrows. Are our names familiar to her? I hope that they are.

“We are brothers, and we live in Chicago.” I continued. “I am 30 years old, Ezra is 26, and Noah and Theo are 16.”

She nodded, but I could see that she was still confused.

“We have a sister.” I continued slowly. “She is the youngest of the four of us. She is 16. She is Theo and Noah’s triplet. She was taken from us when she was six years old. Our mother took her away because she hated our father and wanted to hurt him. Our father loved his little girl the most out of all his children, so she knew that taking her away would hurt our father the most.”

Mike gasped loudly. I guess he connected the dots. Smart kid. Lucy looked at him and then back at me. I could tell she figured it out as well.

“Why are you telling me this?” she asked, her voice trembling.

I guess she needed a verbal confirmation.

“I’m telling you because you are our sister, Lucy.” I said, reaching out and taking her small hand in mine. “Our mother, Alana, took you away when you were six. Your last name isn’t Smith, it’s Ferri. I’ve started the process of becoming your legal guardian. You are coming back home with us, Sunshine.”

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