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It would seem that neither of you took being patient at all well. Sherlock knew there had been at least one new murder but Mycroft had everyone under strict order not to call the consulting detective under any circumstances. The case remain unsolved, and while you were safe in Baker Street, the boys had no work.

To your surprise John actually has a day job, working part time at the local health centre to administer inoculations and treat minor cases. What Sherlock did to fill his hours you had no idea. He refused new cases and his boredom presented in dangerous ways. Barely a week in and John had confiscated all weapons around the house. But Sherlock was creative and desperate, carving the wooden table with scissors and scratching the mirrors with coins. You spent a lot of time at the piano and occasionally Sherlock would take a break from annoying the world to play with you.

Before you knew it a month had passed and you were entirely too comfortable in their presence. You cared for Rosie regularly but you liked it best when pretty Molly Hooper came for tea. She was shy and inquisitive, blushing strawberry- pink whenever you complemented her. It was tempting to believe she had any interest in you but you were careful not to push your luck and make her uncomfortable, instead stealing small glances at the back of her head, or her chestnut ponytail or her rich eyes when she was otherwise engaged with Rosie. If the boys noticed they didn't say anything and you were glad, for you would probably have passed away on the spot if they used that as ammunition. It was on a cool autumn Sunday that they finally decided to intervene with all the subtlety of Rosie crying in the middle of the night.

"Molly" started John with a sly grin at you "are you currently dating anyone?"

Molly blushes and you look away, accidentally making eye contact with an equally confused Sherlock. Mrs Hudson pauses in her drying of the dishes and leans against the doorframe.

"Um no, no I'm not" she says quietly and you look at your hands.

"Hmm... (Y/n) are you dating anyone at the moment?" Follows John innocently and you glare at him.

"No" You seethe and he grins in mock surprise.

"Funny that? Anyway, I think we could do with some tea? (Y/n), Molly, why don't you head off and pick up a takeaway? I'll pay" he says sweetly and you feel the urge to swing.

Sherlock scowls "I don't want a takeaway" he moans and John shoots him a shut up you dumb genius I'm working look. The hint could be sat in the case chair and he would have missed it.

"That sounds like a lovely idea- off you go dearies" sighs Mrs Hudson, holding up your coat for you to step into. Reluctantly you comply, plucking Molly's from the stand and helping her into it. You are careful not to lay a finger on her.

"...but Molly isn't gay"

Everyone pauses to look at an exasperated John leaning over a throughly confused Sherlock. You go to apologise for his behaviour but Molly is raising a defiant eyebrow.

"Something you must have missed Sherlock" she says coolly and you giggle a little. She glances at you then exits, waiting at the door. You turn slowly to the boys who look a mixture of confused and tired.

"Well that... was fucking atrocious" You say and Mrs Hudson titters at your language.

"Really boys, you could have handled that with a little more grace" says Mrs Hudson and you go to leave. "Especially being experienced with such a tricky subject-

They snap their heads up simultaneously and you choke on your laugh.

"What do you mean?" Asks Sherlock and you take your time closing the door behind you.

"Well what with the struggles of being a homosexual-"

"Mrs Hudson Sherlock and I are not dating-"

You giggle and shut the door, hopping down the stairs and pausing at the sight of Molly. She grins shyly again and you nod, opening the door and letting her pass through. Together you step into the cold night and wrap your coat a little tighter around yourself. Molly has had the good sense to wear a hat and scarf, but when she sees you shivering removes the red scarf and wraps it wordlessly around your neck. You are silent and still as she does so, revelling at the shocking touch of her icy fingers when they gently brush against your neck.

"That's better" she husks and you nod numbly, continuing in your step down to the Chinese takeaway. Out of the presence of the people who introduced you, you struggle to summon conversation. It seems she is having a similar issue as she grins awkwardly each time you catch each other's eye.

"So... how did you meet Sherlock?" You start and she laughs a little.

"The same way everyone does- I didn't even introduce myself before he knew my life story" she sighs and you match her reaction.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that"

"To Sherlock? No I don't think you will. I certainly haven't. I've known him going on six years and he never fails to surprise me. Whether it be risking his life, solving an impossible crime, faking his death or outing me to everyone-"

"So you are?" You blurt out suddenly as she laughs.

"Of all the things I listed? Yes" she says quietly, that lovely strawberry blush appearing on her cheeks once more. You nod and she seems to be waiting for something.

"And... and you?" She says with an air of disinterest.

"Oh- yes. I mean- I've never had anything with anyone actually. Ok that's embarrassing you didn't need to know that. But yeah. Women are... nice"

She nods and you fall back into silence.

"Ok now I really do need to know though- he faked his death?!"

She bursts out laughing. "Yeah it was a dick move if I'm honest- he was being threatened by Jim Moriarty (you hold your breath but you've been careful not to expose your last name yet, and she continues without hesitation) and his choices were to let his friends die or kill himself by jumping off a building. He may pretend otherwise but he has a conscience and a certain level of sentimentality. He jumped of the roof onto an air bag then temporarily stopped his pulse- bloody show off" she finishes and you snort unattractively.

"And John let him do this?"

"John didn't know"

The conversation moves on as you relax but you can't help but ponder as Molly buys the food. The first night you had met them John had told you everyone around him seemed to die. You had contradicted with Sherlock but here was that betrayal of trust. Sherlock wasn't a hero and it was dangerous to idolise him as such. At the end of the day, he and John, you and Molly and Jim for that matter, were only human. And humans bleed, humans can be killed. They can suffer.

You are careful to clear your mind for the walk back and enjoy the food with the same enthusiasm as the others, pushing away your uncomfortable musings and instead focusing hard on the loose strands of hair around Molly's shoulder that have escaped her ponytail unnoticed.

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