65: Hearts and Lungs Pt.2

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He left the office with a stab in his heart, as I chased after him. He was angry, upset at every negative choice word I could think of to describe him and he hated me.

"Dallas. Please". I yelled out at as he turned to look at me. His eyes stone cold in anger towards me, my heart beating madly as he ravaged me with a single look, brushing into the very depths of my eyes.

"You don't get to follow me, you don't get to say my name. You are taking away the one person I've loved the most. The one person. I need her, and you-you don't get that". His tears strung high, his heart maddened like a lion roaring from the depths of his heart. He looked at me with hatred, something in all of these moments we shared he had never truly hated me, not like this, not like this moment.

"Just leave". He begged, my feet frozen in their very place. My mind lost into his eyes, the stare of hatred not of love. "Just leave". He begged again, his eyes ready to tear me apart, piece after piece.

"You can't do this. I'm not leaving". I begged him to let me be. I couldn't leave him, no matter how much he pushed, no matter how much he tried to scare me away. I couldn't leave him alone. Not when he needed someone the most, not me but he needed someone.

"You're making me lose you and her". He said loudly, my choices gravitating above us, his mind dictating what they meant. I never meant for this to happen, both of us being taken from him. I had made the choice for him, for us, and it affected him in such a grave way. I wished it hadn't been placed on my chest, but it was the right choice. She wanted to live, she wanted it more than anything else.

"You saw in her face Dallas. She wanted to live again, she wanted to have a chance". I tried to make him see my ways, but his annoyance set in, his anger and sadness took over. He was angry with not only me, but the way this had fallen onto us.

"She would've had a chance, if she didn't have the surgery". He said, his anger setting in, his body being brought closer to mine. Not out of love but to prove a point.

"You're not the one that's gonna still be on her grave ten years from now, you'll move on and you'll forget her, you'll forget about me, you'll move on into a white huge house, you'll get married, you'll have kids, but I'll be here. You don't even realize how this is so much bigger than just you and what you want." He rammed his finger in my face, as tears fell down my eyes. He was wrong, I would never forget her. I could never forget him.

"You don't know me." I said, wanting to prove to him that I would never be able to move on without both of them. Without them I had no love in life, no idea of its fondness, in ten years Dallas and I may be out of each other's life, but I would be right there after him, waiting in my car till he left and then I would sit there, stuck in the past.

"I thought I did". He angrily said, his heart racing just as quick as mine. His teeth were gritted, his smile gone from the loving face I had once kissed, like he was the last person in the world, like he was the last one I would kiss. I kissed him like he was home to me, now he stared at me like I was trash left on the side of the road.

He turned to leave, the situation overwhelming him. "Dallas, please". I begged him to stay, but instead my words stopped him in his tracks as he turned to face me, rushing to end the distance between us. His finger jammed in my face as he spoke.

"I- I would never have done this to you. Never". He said harshly, his face covered in stolen tears and I wished I could grab out to him, but his heart was closed off, closed off to me, closed off to everyone who wanted to see. He walked away with every right held close in his head, as he left me a crying mess, a mess that couldn't stop crying.

I pulled my phone out, my head hammered as I walked further down the hallway following Dallas's tracks, but he was nowhere to be found.

I pulled myself to the chair, walking slowly over as the tears beat the best of me and they fell like I had nothing left in the world. I had to have made the right choice. He was right, he would never look at me if this didn't work, he couldn't even be near me without remembering what I had done. He looked at me now like I was nothing to him, absolutely nothing.

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