Chapter 7

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I look at Amara again. Amara is my everything, she cheers me up when I'm sad. Does everything with me and loves me like no one has ever loved me.

"Want some food too?" Nessa, her mom asks.

"Yeah, im hungry." Amara says and plants a kiss on my cheek.


When we're done eating I go outside with Amara after I helped Nessa clean everything up.

We're on the trampoline like usually. The door opens and Madi comes in.

"Hey, is Jaden here?" She asks.

"Uh, he went upstairs." I say holding on to the net of the trampoline.

"Okay! Thank you! Are you okay?" She asks. She has probably heard me crying.

"Oh, yeah." I slightly smile.

"Good. Sorry, if something happened to you. If you want you can always vent to me." She smiles and waves at Amara.

"Yeah. Thank you."


Pov Jaden

I hear a knock on the door and a few seconds later Madi steps in. "Hey baby," she smiles. "How are you doing?" She asks and sits next to me.

"Better. I think." I give her a kiss.

"Great. Your mom said that I could sleepover if I wanted too." She smiles cutely.

"Of course you can!" I pull her in my arms. She's so beautiful.

"Yay!" We kiss. "How is Matt doing?" She asks.

"He's doing better, Amara cheered him up. They are really cute." I chuckle and look out of the window seeing him and Amara on the trampoline.

"Yeah, they are. Did something happen? I called Hazel after, but she said she didn't say anything special to him. Since they always fight I thought Hazel might know something." She chuckles.

"Yeah I know. It's Hazels fault tho, she got really mad at him and said some unnecessary stuff. It's so sad because Matt cares so much about her and then he gets that as a 'thank you'. He was so upset so I got really mad at Hazel too, he's my bestfriend after all." I sigh and look Madi in her beautiful ocean eyes.

"Oh my god. That's so sad. Hazel said, that he told her, that Bryce is cheating on her." She says.

"Uh yeah.." I sigh. Should I tell her? If Hazel finds out that I told Madi she will kill me.

"Is it true?"

"Don't tell her please. She'll be really mad at me. But yeah, it is true."

Her eyes widen and she's very shocked. "Really?!"

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Me and Matt are waiting for them to break up so she won't find out and won't be heartbroken. But they are still together." I roll my eyes. "Bryce is such a bitch, it's his fucking fault that I'm laying in my bed and that I can't do shit."

"What a fucking bitch."


Pov Hazel
It's the next day. I scroll thru Instagram and see that I have a new follower.


What the fuck is that? It seems like it's my school. I click on the acc and see some photos, looks like they are people from my school.

I click the newest photo and see myself. It's a photo of me and Jaden at soccer and we give eachother a hug. I remember hugging him before soccer.
(Kinda looks like this but not that close up ofc)

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