With his arms around her, he felt that his life is now complete

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With her paintbrush in hand, Gu Shishi adjusted the color a little. “We won’t be seeing the outcome right away. Let’s just see how our first batch does. I don’t know much so we will have to count on you, Plant Manager Liu.”

Liu Zhichao was very flattered by her words. “That is my job! I will give it my best with my colleagues in the sales department.”

Talented, have the formulas, and his boss was so humble.

But Gu Shishi wasn’t being humble when she said that she didn’t know much.

And that was exactly why she didn’t want to meddle and muck things up.

“Sure, we will talk more if there are any other issues~”

Liu Zhichao acknowledged that right away.

Once she had hung up on the phone, Gu Shishi felt pressure.

Originally, she had viewed this skincare product as an accessory. If it made money, great; if not, not a big deal either.

She felt no pressure.

But now, she had second thoughts about it.

This was a gift to her from the boss.

He spent thirty million on this company... she wouldn’t lost any health if the company was to lose money, but money was still money!

What if ... they ended up losing money on Double-12?

What if they couldn’t even make back the advertisement cost?

Would she be dragging the boss down?

Gu Shishi got nervous all of a sudden.

She quickly pulled up the few paintings that have already been approved and looked them over once again.

She pondered over it before dinner.

And finally ran over to the study stealthily.

Standing on her tippy toe, she cautiously peeked inside through the crack of the door.

Huo Sishen had just finished a document, set it aside, and was about to start on the next one when he noticed someone by the door.

“Who is it?”

Ever since the wedding, he would leave the door to the study only partially closed instead of closing it all the way.

So that a certain someone could sneak in there from time to time.

The certain someone, however, didn’t go over very often.

“... ... it’s me.”

She didn’t think he would have noticed her so soon.

Gu Shishi bit her lip and stuck her head out with a fawning and silly smile awkwardly.

Quickly, she brought out a silver plate from behind her.

“Are you hungry? Would you like some cookies?”

It was obviously her favorite.

Huo Sishen didn’t let it show but he wanted to chuckle.

“No, I am not hungry.”

Gu Shishi, “... ...!”

Now she didn’t know how to carry on.

Huo Sishen only found that funnier. He kept his thin lips pressured together without saying a word.

Gu Shishi’s Plan A had failed.

She thought about it a little and decided to shamelessly carry on.

“Are you very busy right now?”

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