Lake part 2

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Laying in the sand, Edith sat between Cecily's legs making a sand castle of her old neighbourhood.

She had slipped into little space and Cecily enjoyed hearing the enthusiasm and joy in her voice. She paid attention to everything she was saying.

"And last but not least old lady Beatrice lived next door, she would always work on her garden and had the greenest lawn in the neighbourhood." Edith pointed at the castle beside the small one.

"Sounds like a very interesting place," Cecily said.

"It was always loud, something was always happening."

"This must be a change from that,"

"Uh hu, it's so quiet." Edith whispered laying back onto Cecily and looking at her upside down.

"You silly goose," Cecily stuck her tongue out.

Edith giggled playing again with her sand castles.

"You know I was talking with Margie before she left," 
Cecily said tracing Edith's scars with her finger.

"About what?" Edith asked distracted by the sand.

"She said you should be healthy enough when she comes to visit so we can give you the Immortal shot."

Edith fell out of headspace at Cecily's word, she felt the warm hand trace the scars on her back.

"She said she would stay over to help out, we can have a girls sleepover—"

Edith's reflexes were quick, she grabbed Cecily's hand before she could touch her upper arms where the scars continued. Making her stop.

Cecily froze by the sudden movement.

The tears in Edith's eyes broke Cecily's heart.

"I'm sorry," Edith cried standing up and ran into the lake house.

"Close the premises, no one leaves this area without me knowing." Cecily told Max and AJ, running after Edith.

She ran all around the building, guards searching the second and first floor calling for Edith.

Cecily felt her heart beating in her ears, as she was about to walk out of the changing rooms she heard a small cry.

Following the noise, she scrambled to one of the lockers and pulled it open.

Edith was curled inside crying.

"Oh, cupcake," she whispered trying to pull her out but Edith pushed herself further back.

Cecily sat on the ground in front of her relieved that Edith was ok. She pulled out her phone and texted Max she had found her.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?"Cecily asked.

Edith hiccuped as she tried to speak, her voice barely a whisper, "I-I'm sorry."

"Why cupcake?"

"Cause, I don't want to get the Immortal shot." Edith whispered.

Cecily felt her heart drop at her words, even after three days with Edith she wanted to spend all her life with her. "How come?"

"Scared," Edith hiccuped.

"Scared of the needles?"

Edith shook her head crying, "... I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry, it's ok to be scared." Cecily said assuring her.


"Honey you don't have to get the shot until your ready."

Edith's hiccups started to calm down. "What if I'm never ready."

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