Work day part 2

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Isabelle -

In the next 2 minutes we finally pulled up to a large building. The bodyguards came rushing out of the cars coming towards ours. I just watched everything play out Alessandro came to my side, opening the door for me.

Taking my hand into his, we walk inside the massive building going to the elevators I saw for a small second the works of the place look at Alessandro with fear but confusion when they saw me. Watching the elevator hit the top floor of the building me and Alessandro include the bodyguards exited the elevator. I breathe out a " wow" when I saw the office or the part of the office.

Getting further inside of the office I could here sounds of heels clicking. Looking over of Alessandro I can see a woman coming towards us.

" Good morning sir. Did you have a good morning?" She saids as I watched her biting her lips. I raise my eyebrow towards her. Can she not be more obvious?

" Hello Hannah. I did, I was always have a good morning with my wife". Alessandro said I can see that this Hannah smile dropped when Alessandro spoke of me.

Then her eyes dropped down to me. Her eyes became a glare towards me. That was noticed by Alessandro, making him snap at her. She ran off to who knows where. Alessandro gently pulled me to follow him into a new room.

Leaving me and him in the office.

" Your office is insane huge" I say

Alessandro chuckled at what I said.

" Well thank you baby." Alessandro said

" Now baby, your job here is going to be my personal assistant. That will be making meetings for me with important clients and making a few planning events here and there, we will talk about more of that in a few days. But for your first day, you will be taking notes on what you see today." Alessandro said

" so observing today?" I said with excitement ready for the day.

Alessandro smiling at me nodding his head towards me.

I am more then ready. Bring it.

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