Chapter Fifteen: A Family Deal

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

"Hello?" I yawned as it was still too early to be up.

I took a quick glance at the caller ID and immediately sat up.

I turned the light on the nightstand on and looked at Armani sleeping peacefully with her arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled a tired grin and quietly removed myself from her, before walking over to the balcony doors and slipping outside closing them behind me.

"Padre," I spoke once the coast was clear--I didn't want Armani overhearing this phone call.

"What did I tell you about messing with the Russo family," He spoke angrily and I zoned out already knowing what he was gonna say, "I heard his parents weren't too happy seeing him come home all banged up."

"They should be happy that I settled for that. Especially after what he did," I spit back.

"I don't care what he did. If you want a war, go on and keep acting recklessly, but when everyone you know and care about blood is on your hands, you'll understand."

I knew my father spoke from experience because he's lived this lifestyle for way longer than I have. However, the Russo son deserved everything and more for what he did to my girl. I didn't care about what rift it would cause between our two families if it meant my girl was okay.

It broke my heart to listen to her endless sobs. It was one thing to be the reason behind her tears, but to see someone else cause that much torment to her. It sent me to rage. By the time I had arrived to the scene to go help my tesoro, I was seeing red. Nico was lucky I spared his life because of our families "peace treaty."

My family have always kept their word, but it seems like the Russo family here recently liked to keep testing us. First with missing shipments and their son having the audacity to pull something so stupid on my woman.

They had another thing coming if they thought I was going to be a pushover.

"If things get worse, you know what you'll have to do right?" my father sighed into the phone.

The one thing I dreaded especially now since I had Armani. I would be forced to marry the Russo daughter to prevent outright war. It wasn't going to happen.

I took a few steps back and peered into the room to watch my tesoro sleep. She was in deep slumber and looked so peaceful. I smiled to myself, before focusing on the topic at hand.

"Not happening." I warned.

Nobody was going to make me give up my Armani. Considering, I'm one of the most powerful people in the world, I should have a say in my relationships.

"And why's that?" My father questioned.

Was it too soon to tell him about my beautiful girl yet? I feel like it might be too soon. Especially, since my parents will want to meet her right away. But, after everything that happened tonight, I realized life is too short. I had always known that, but it solidified in my mind when I met Armani.

"I'm old enough to choose who I wanna marry and I definitely don't choose to marry that dreadful daughter." I clarified.

"There's someone else isn't there?" My father asked sighing softly.

"Yes," I answered honestly.

There was a silence that overcame my father's side of the phone as if he was thinking on what to reply with or what to say to convince me to follow his orders. It had been like this my whole life. He barked out his orders and I followed around in trance like a dog. I didn't want to do that anymore.

I already lost my first love because of him. If I had finally manned up enough to think my own thoughts and tell him no, maybe she'd still be standing her alive with me today. But, if that hadn't happen, would I have ever met Armani? I couldn't imagine life without her.

I can't go back in time, which is why I refuse to make the same mistake again.

"Bring her to the gala. I want to meet her," He said, before he cut the line.

I brought my phone down from my ear and sighed looking out into the night sky. The sky seemed just as hopeless as me as hardly any stars shined that night. Only hues of midnight blue were seen with a few specks of white here and there.

It was silent outside as if I were the only one awake.

I sighed, knowing my padre was gonna give up a huge fight to get me to enter this arranged marriage. Little did he know, I'd only fight back harder. I guess that's the one thing we both had in common we're both hardheaded and stubborn.

I decided not to keep my Tesoro waiting any longer and walked through the balcony doors, looking them behind me. I crawled back into the bed, craving the touch of my girl.

"You okay?" She murmured.

I was shocked she was up. I thought I had left pretty quietly.

"Mhmm...let's sleep," I whispered back, kissing her forehead.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, while she snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. She drifted back sleep. Meanwhile, I grew nervous of future events.

I'm scared that I won't be able to protect Armani. I barely just made it tonight, but what if I didn't? What if the same thing that happened to Giorgia will happen to Armani?

It feels selfish to even be laying with her right now.

I don't deserve her, but I can't let go--she's my only source of happiness.

A/N: Hey guys!! I wrote up this short chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry it's on the shorter since and possibly not that interesting:/ I actually enjoy writing Antonio's povs solely because his life is so drama filled and usually his pov drives the plot....I'm not sure when the next chapter will be since I work basically everyday next week...;) smile through the pain.

Thanks for supporting guys! I really do enjoy seeing your comments and votes!! I appreciate it so much :)) Have a great night/day luvs!!!

Word Count:: 1063

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