Chapter 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Y/n's pov

I gasped and sat up. I looked around and saw Doggo sleeping on my lap. I pet his head and laid back down with a sigh of relief.

I thought I was telling the others a story?

I started squishing Doggo's face floof while thinking back on what happened last night. Doggo yawned and got up, only to get up on my chest.

"Thanks bud", he did he best to curl up on my chest. I held onto him while gently petting him. "Do you remember anything from last night?", I saw him throw his up and then he started howling.

I watched him for a good 10 minutes until he stopped. I nodded and started scratching his ears.

"Thank you oh so much, my wise wolf of wisdom, for such wise words that you oh so yelled for me!", he did his cute dog smile and rolled on top of me. I hugged him before finally deciding to get up from bed.

The moment I stood up, I immediately fell down. Doggo barked and ran around me before trying to squeeze himself under me.

"What happened?", I looked at my feet and noticed on my feet missing. "Excuse me, what the actual fuck?",

I hopped on my one foot and sat back down. I know I can regrow shit like a lizard but this joke is too far! I looked around the room again for anything to help me. My eyes stopped on a wooden stool sitting right next to the bed. I looked down and looked at the stools legs.

"I guess I have wondered how it'd be to be a pirate...", I smiled, a little giggle blurting out, and got my knife out.


"I'd say last night was pretty interesting", Masky says while taking a sip of his coffee. Hoodie scoffs and puts out his cigarette in the ash tray. He takes a gulp of his coffee and almost laughs thinking about last night.

"It was her own dumbass fault", he couldn't help chuckling a bit.

"You can't blame her completely",

"Y-Yeah! She was under t-the influence!", Masky gets out a cigarette and lights it up, blowing the smoke straight at Toby. Toby just swats it away with his hand, already used to how many times it happens, he doesn't complain.

Whispers were heard throughout the big common room. Everyone reciting the events that happened last night. Many laughed thinking about it.

Others would groan from how stupid the situation was, though, they couldn't hide their grins.

Now, what were last nights events that has everyone so riled up? That'd be answered as the sound of wood clacking across the cement floors rang through the room.

Everyone turned towards the direction of the noise.

None other than the great Y/n with her trusty companion by her side! Anger is evident on her face and a peg leg!?

"Who the fuck stole my foot!?", with the absurd question, everyone slowly started laughing. Luckily, not many were up yet so, it wasn't to bad. Toby ran up to Y/n first, knowing her rage would probably cause problems.

"Y/n! U-Um... I know you c-confused! But! I can explain e-everything!", he muttered a few curse words under his breath and looked down and almost burst out laughing. He held back as much as he could, his shoulders shaking.

"Toby! My foot is fucking missing! What the hell happened!? It's gonna take like a day or two to grow it back!!", I'm pretty mad! I wake up and find my foot missing and then everyone laughs!? I fucking pissed!

"Uhhhh..... s-so... it was S-Seedeater...",

"The giant fur ball??",

"You k-kind of kicked him...",

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