Chapter 40: Plan

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Berlin-Germany- Main building of white snakes

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Berlin-Germany- Main building of white snakes

"Look who decided to show up." As soon as I entered the room, I was greeted with the warm words of Jocelyne, one of the seven people present. Her black hair was tied up high, as always, and she didn't forget to take the bitchy look from her wardrobe this morning.

One wall of the room was covered with glass, through which one could not see from the outside. There was a huge table in the center and chairs around the edges. Six on the right side, six on the left and a single one in the middle, in front of the windows, as far as possible from the door.

"I was relieved of all responsibilities, why not use it for a vacation?" I walked closer to the table and sat down.

"Wasn't this vacation near New York by any chance?" Her annoying voice sounded in the air again.

"And what is to be in New York?"

Eris. That's what's in New York.

I had to get on the first plane when management called me. Thank god it wasn't until after I stopped by Eris with the antidote.

Jocelyne opened her mouth to say something but was overtaken by Donald who was sitting across from me. "Save these games for later. We have other things to do."

"We've lost contact with one of our agents in New York." Angelina spoke up, sitting two chairs away from Jocelyne. "She was tasked with tracking Eris and reporting her movements to us. We haven't heard from her in a few days."

"If I may enter." I interrupted her. "If I remember correctly, I've been withdrawn from everything concerning Eris. Since it looks like she's a big part of this conversation, should I even be here?"

"Everyone in this room knows that you and Eris have an inappropriate relationship. It was necessary for you to step away for a while until this matter is resolved." Elijah joined the conversation.

"So what changed?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She found the chip and removed it. If she's still alive, we don't know where she is or what she's up to."

"That still doesn't explain why I'm here."

"Because you know her best." Elisabeth's first words since I arrived. "What do you think she's planning?"

"How should I know?" I frowned. "I can't predict the future."

"Oh, please, Charles." Jocelyne snorted. "You spent more time with her than anyone else."

"That doesn't mean I know what her next steps will be."

"There's still a possibility that the poison killed her. She had no way of knowing about it, and she has nowhere to get the antidote." Robert spoke.

"We have to count on that she's alive." Donald said.

"In that case, we have a problem." We all shifted our gaze to Frederik, in other words, the boss. "She is a threat that must be eliminated."

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