Epilogue: Chapter Forty-Six

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"I think they're downstairs," Hunter whispers. "We aren't busted yet."

I stop tousling his hair. He catches hold of my wrist when I start to move my hand away and presses his lips against my palm.

"Yet," I echo, also whispering. I clap my free hand over my mouth to stop a giggle. Our predicament now strikes me as funny.

Hunter releases my wrist and sits up. He's holding in laughter as well, and he takes a moment to collect himself. I focus on drawing in a deep breath to get my giggles under control. This, right here, is pure happiness.

"I have a plan," he says, once both of us have calmed down.

"It's a good thing one of us does. What's your plan?"

"I'll leave the room first to get a towel from the linen closet and see if the coast is clear. No one will question it if they see me leaving my room. Plus, I need the towel to shower."

It's a logical idea and these are valid points, but I still need a strategy for making it back to my bedroom if I can be seen.

"What if someone is out there? What then?"

"Then I'll come back and we'll figure out how I can get them somewhere else for a minute."

I give him a thumbs up. This encourages him to amble out of bed and grab a T-shirt from the chair in the corner of the room. He pulls the shirt over his head and then he heads for the door. He opens it just enough to slip out of the room.

Mom and Melanie's voices continue to be audible from where I'm perched. There's no pause in their conversation while Hunter is in the hallway. He returns in record time.

"They aren't in the hallway or near the stairs," he reports in a hushed voice. "They won't see you leaving my room."

That's my cue to go while I have the chance to sneak out undetected. I untangle myself from the cocoon of the duvet and swing my legs to the side of the bed.

"I'll meet you downstairs in a bit," I whisper.

Even though I have a safe path, I hold my breath for the short distance between Hunter's door and mine. There's still the risk of Alfie hearing my footsteps from wherever he is right now and giving me away.

Giddiness bubbles up inside of me once I'm in my own room, and it isn't only from the relief of making it back without walking into trouble. Watching Hunter fall asleep and waking up next to him wasn't something I thought I would do during his visit. I'm getting ahead of myself in life, but it makes me think of the next time it will happen.

I'm head over heels. I know it. And I'm pretty sure he is, too.

* * *

"Sawyer texted us a while ago," Hunter says over breakfast. "He asked if we'd like to go to Griffith Park and the observatory today, and he mentioned a taco truck in Silver Lake for lunch. I told him I would check with everyone and let him know."

"We don't have other plans, right?" I ask Mom.

She hasn't said a word about the day's agenda so far. She also hasn't brought up our encounter with Bowie making the internet rounds, but she has to be aware. I take this to mean that paparazzi haven't shown up on the security camera at our driveway gate. It would have been the first thing she checked for.

"I'm taking Mel to Rodeo Drive and around Beverly Hills and Hollywood," Mom replies. "You're welcome to come with us, but I didn't think you would be interested in shopping. Griffith Park sounds fun."

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