I don't know what to put here so yeah

542 8 23

Neil POV

I saw Max walk away it looks like he went over to go see what Nikki was doing I started on my experiment I wanted to make a chemical mixture to make a duplicate experiment I don't think go to work on humans though I glanced up to see the new kid drawing on a black notebook huh you know Max might be onto something I decided to finish up a bit until I heard David say "there you go" I looked up to see Harrison? But it looks like he was pretty beat up I don't know why but when I saw Harrison like this It kind of made me angry for some reason I shake my head


I heard a familiar Voice "there you go Harrison I am so sorry about what happened to you Gwen was supposed to be watching!" Harrison said "it's OK I've seen worse days..." my eyes kind of wide in a bit and then they turn back to normal I look back at my paper I turn to a certain page that says "stuff that I'll see at camp camp" I put a check mark at domestic violence and trauma- "I am so sorry about that let me just show you to your tent!"
I look at him I nodded as I grab my backpack and my notebook and we walk over to a tent "so you'll be Sharing a tent with Preston!" He opens it up and I see this tent with a bunch of musical posters I see Heathers, Beetlejuice, Hamilton, The greatest showman and mean girls there is a couple of More posters but it looks like they were set aside away in a box there was also a rack full of different costumes "this reeks theater kid" I mumble I don't mind it especially the musical posters I tend to like musicals sometimes "don't worry Preston is a great person you guys will get along in no time now I have to go find Gwen if you need anything just ask him" he walks off I walk in and I set my backpack down I only packed seven sets of clothes for every week my side was pretty plain compared to his hmm.... ! I know I rummaged through my small bag (sorry this is a last minute thing so you have your backpack but you also have a small bag that you hang around your waist it looks something like this)

(You can choose out of these three and if you don't like either one of them you can go on Pinterest or search up on Google a different type of bag)
(editor me here you can see nothing here because I couldn't put the pages or the images here so sorry you'll have to go to the next chapter to see them)
I did had one poster I wanted to take one of my actual posters that I like but my dad refused to- I hung it up on the tent "engineer your cares away! 😃" yeah I wanna disappoint me when I was a kid and my dad kept it sooo I was about done unpacking also thinking if I should make a dresser as I was looking in the little corner I was sketching it of how it would be placed when I heard "come on Neris no matter how much you beg I am not giving you my wizard robe!" He was rummaging through some of his clothes and I think he didn't see me because he was still talking " Jesus I know I may have the most outfits and links cancel but it doesn't mean that you guys can just take whatever you want some of these outfits were expensive! And really hard to get especially if you wanna get a new outfits here" he said as he was looking in the mirror to see which one of the clothes would be right off so I think he rolled his eyes "hmm... should I go with my casual outfit or this one" I looked at both of them

(Again it is not here go to the other chapter)

(By the way the other outfit he had I know this is just a shirt I want you to pick out the rest and if you don't want him to wear the shirt you can just pick out a different outfit)

I looked at the outfit "well it's pretty hot today either of them would be good but I would go with the one that's most short sleeve" he turned around at me with a dramatic gasp! "for the holy level theater I did not see you there!" He says trying to calm himself down "sorry😅" I said after he catch his breath he looked at me up and down with that one theater kid face that says "you look good hmmm... (insert any role) would be definitely be good for you"
He walks over and then immediately has a mood change " why hello there it's nice to meet you David probably already told you but I am Preston goodbye the theater kid of this camp" (by the way I feel like he would say this was like a dramatic pose) I guess I'll play along " well it is nice to meet you Preston goodbye" you say dramatically bowing " I am a Y/n m/n it is a pleasure to meet you" you say putting a hand on your chest Preston looks at you with a grin "oh I think will be very good friends" you laugh at this comment until somebody comes running in " Preston how about this! I'll give you this amulet The brutal of might!" (Sorry if it's wrong) " i'll give you this for your wizard outfit" Preston looks at them with a blank look " that's just a circle cacan that you paint red and put flames on it" " but doesn't it look cool" "no" " oh come on Preston please just for a couple minutes!!" "No knowing you you'll probably get it destroyed in less than five minutes! Especially with you and Harrison always fighting" ! Why would they be fighting? I thought as they go back-and-forth but then I realized OHH! Since there D&D and he's a magician that makes sense so imaginary versus tricks but they're mostly illusions yeah illusions.......

You know having a friend that's an illusionist wouldn't be such a bad idea

(I hope you guys like this sorry I supposed to put images but I couldn't I'll make another thing for that)

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