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Pete's POV 

It was a quiet evening, I was walking in the park, listening to music as I was reading my favorite novel "KinnPorche" for the umpteenth time. This Novel was close to my heart as it helped me through some tough times. 

I still remember, Two years back when I was still studying for my medical degree to become a neurosurgeon; One particular night I met a stranger in the hospital terrace. It felt as if he was there waiting for me. When I excused myself he looked me in the eyes and asked me only one question "Are you fulfilled?"  I was taken aback to say the least. 

Later As I was making my rounds in the hospital, realization struck me that this wasn't what I wanted to be. I am not happy. I couldn't imagine myself in a doctor's robe. The only reason I was there was because of my Father. He is a renowned Neurologist and wished for me to keep his legacy. But he never asked me what it was that I wanted to be. 

But then at last I gathered some courage and confronted my Father. I finally told him that I wanted to be an artist and not a Doctor. And just like I had expected he disowned me. That was a pretty dark time for me. I wasn't sure if the decision I had taken was correct or if I would grow up to Regret it later.

But I didn't lose hope. I was working as a freelancer artist, I painted in my free time as I worked part time in a coffee shop to make ends meet. One day I was travelling to find some inspiration for my art and an old women came to me trying to sell a book. I am not an avid fan of reading however, I felt the urge to buy that book. As if that book called for me. It was the best decision of my life. 

The Novel "KinnPorche" was a masterpiece to say the least. It depicted a love story between a Mafia Boss and his bodyguard amongst Revenge, Betrayal and War. It was so heart touching. But more than them there was another character that I was fascinated with-Vegas. He was such a poor soul. He lived his entire life under Kinn's shadow, deprived of love. Always looking for his father's love and approval only to meet a bitter end when the person he loved rejected him and accepted Kinn's love and his Uncle killed his Father.

Everyone got an happy ending except for him. He who wanted nothing more than to be loved.

Authors Note

I just started this fanfiction and it's kind of inspired from all those transmigration themed manhwas I watch lol. Let's see where this story goes.

Changing EndOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora