Car Ride

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Vegas's POV

Nop gave me the news that Kinn somehow had known about my and Build's date and that he is going to join us as a third wheel. I unintentionally smile just thinking about it. 

'What a Foolish cousin! As if I will let him destroy our date.' 

"Porche!" I call out my lousy bodyguard's name. 

"Yes.....What is it?" He replies uninterestingly. 

"I give you the permission to come with us to the Movies." 

Porche looks at me a bit skeptically. 'Why is he being so generous all of a sudden? Something is Fishy'  Porche thinks to himself. 

Kinn had arrived early in the morning to pick us up, or to pick up Build. Because instead of his Car that he always brings, He instead had arrived on a Ducati.

"You are quite early cousin."

"Well early bird gets the worm they say." He replies as he removes his helmet and styles his hair. 

How dare this asshole call my Build a worm.

"It's not Often you ride on a bike Cousin. What a weird sight."

"Well.....I thought it was gathering dust just staying in the garage. And it's fun to ride a bike."

"Yah True that...... We will ride in the car then and you ride your lovely bike."

"Wait. Don't you think it's a bit sad? I came all the way from my mansion here and I have to ride alone to the Movies." He speaks acting all cute and pouting. 'Fuck! who you acting for?'

"Then what do you expect?"

"Perhaps having Build ride with me."

"Why the fuck would he ride with you?" I enquire.

"Because I say so.... And you know Build, he is way too polite to say no." 

He says this and winks at me as he goes inside to find Build. 'Why did this date of ours turn into a full blown picnic with this two additional idiots I wonder.'

"Yes I asked Vegas and he is more than happy to let you ride with me." Kinn explains Build.

Pete looks at Porche asking for help. But Porche instead ignores his friend's pleas.

"Okay......F-Fine.... Let's go..." Build somehow reluctantly agrees. 

"Yes. Also how about after the movies I take you on a long drive? There's some place I want to show you."

"Uhh...Fine I guess......"

Pete reluctantly agrees to Kinn's pleas as Porche just looks at them both with 'I finally got this chance Look how I snatch him from you Cousin.' He thinks.
But what welcomes Kinn is a flat tire.

"What the??"

"Oh...Kinn....I forgot to mention that sometimes the kids of our servants like to play pranks on people looking like Old Uncles."

"Oh really? Then you must have been their target pretty often?"

"I said people who look Old. Are you hard of hearing too Cousin?"

'Cough.' Porche interrupts tired of their fracas.  "Guys shouldn't we get moving? Or you want to continue your bickering? Then I will take Build with me and you guys can follow later after sorting your things out."

"NO." They both say in unison.

"Let's take my car instead" Vegas suggests as he takes Pete's hand in his while Porche and Kinn stare at their intertwined hands. 

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