Chapter 7

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Carter's pov

"Can I have some?" Eleanora struck her curiosities.

"Sure?" I cautiously slid her my smoothie bowl and she happily took a bite.

"Why'd you say it like that?" She was excited and entertained.

The way those chocolate brown eyes sparkle with her bright smile, her entire face is glowing like a kid having ice cream...

A smile I'd never forget.

If only she could understand how beautiful her joy sounds to my ears. She's a masterwork I could listen to for the rest of my life..

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

But I can't believe I have her in my life now.

"Carter?" She made me snap out of it.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I don't think I'm doing this right," I shook my head with a small laugh embarrassed with what I'm about to say.

"Doing what right?" The tip of the spoon lingered in between her lips and just the way she's looking right now...

The silk robe that's barely covering the parts I'm tempted to see the most, her hair tied and held up with a clamp as she's eating happily with her eyes only being focused on me.

"Cooking breakfast. I think I over did it. You're over here asking for my food and I gave you options for yours. I should've asked," I scratched the back of my head with a silly smile knowing very well I sound ridiculous.

But if I told her that I'm convinced I'm in love with her even though she's the first and only person I've been with- sex wise and dating wise.. she might not take me seriously.

I'd rather reach for the dust particles.

"You sound ridiculous," she made me blurt a laugh not aware of the humor.

"It's the thought that counts- and I've never had a smoothie bowl. But considering my new obsession that's outside of music..." I didn't notice she had walked around the kitchen counter with her hands resting on my arms.

"I'm a lot more curious as to how and why you've been hiding this body for so long. I remembered that one night you fell asleep with pizza crust in your mouth, I practically broke my back trying to carry you up the stairs. I had no idea that this was what I was carrying," her finger traces over my veins on my forearm.

They weren't as visible as before because my body was all warm from being in the bed and the warm sheets. The icy floors from the cold outside and being shirtless cooled me off.

"How and why is really tricky. But when I fully recovered from my first injury, I decided to start working out at home. My body back then was not equipped to withstand the excessive practicing and it was straining me to the point of injury. I figured conditioning my body in terms of strength, I could withstand intense practices. It actually made all the difference; I even hit the octave chords a lot stronger. My crescendos were powerful as ever. I think musicians should also invest into training to be legitimate athletes. They should incorporate healthy dieting along with getting enough sunlight so their immune system responds well whenever they're under stress and pressure... not to mention the importance of calcium and proteins for the bones and muscles. Biggest enemy for every musician is a sprained muscle and worst yet, arthritis," I was so caught up in explaining, I didn't realize I ended up revealing another hidden secret:

I'm a nerd.

"And here I thought you were sexy- you're just irresistible. I knew you were intelligent, gifted, charming, beautiful- all of those things. I even knew you were an early grad from highschool but just hearing how smart you actually are... please talk again," she made me choke on my own spit making us both laugh.

"I'm serious Carter, keep pulling out these wild cards, I'm going to be helpless trying to resist you," her laughter died down and she kissed my cheek.

"As far as breakfast goes, a cup of black coffee with a slice of you..." she whispered as her body continues to press against mine.

"A slice?" I tilted my head.

"Why not?" She giggled mischievously.

"You could have all of me instead of part of me," I was genuinely out of place with why she would only settle for a slice of me.

Just have all of me.

She still tends to makes me nervous with what I actually want to say at times.

"I don't think I could help myself taking all of you," her eyes were radiating a dark glow as her tone changed to something that chimed my ears and sent a jolt of heat flushing over me.

"I- um-

"No, there's no way I could just... hold back," she leaned in as her hand rested on the center of my chest and my hands held her waist steadily.

I could feel the gay panic erupt as my heart is about to burst. She's been at this since she woke up; getting under my skin and making me flustered.

The kiss grew deeper the more she pressed up against me to the point her arms were looped around my neck.

Impulsively, I grabbed her thigh and lifted it up to hook around my leg as I'm leaned back against the kitchen counter causing her told herself up by placing her hand on my arm.

We didn't say anything as we were both worked up from the kiss.

I wish I knew what was going on in her head.

But I could get a feeling her mind is racing just like mine as we made eye contact briefly; my eyes drifted from her dark brown eyes sparkling and dilating in her pupils down to the way her chest was rising and falling gradually...

"You're driving me crazy," she cupped my face.

"Especially with this perfume... what the hell are you wearing? her nose tickled my neck as she planted a gentle kiss on the very bottom of it.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't think perfume was a big deal either. She's practically on top of me, I don't know what to say even if I did choose to speak.

It's just perfume.

"Well groomed, well mannered, talented, intelligent, so good to be around. What else?" She nipped my collar bone and licked it.

I couldn't bear it.

I found her lips that was rewarded with a sigh as she fully gives in leaning all her weight against me.

I wanted more of her as she was all over me. I could feel my skin chime with the buzzing sensation of heat that flourished. I didn't know what to do as I decided to gently push her silk robe from her body.

The feeling of her soft skin against the back of my knuckles as I let the robe fall like a dark pool of liquid... I wish my hands weren't so cold, "I'm sorry I'm giving you goosebumps," I softly whispered.

"You were giving me chills long before you ever touched me," her whisper met my lips.

The mere thoughts that were on the brink of coming forth had vanished as my eyes closed, but I could feel so much, I could see; the lingering scent of her- she faintly smelled like booze from the liquor last night, but she had cinnamon and apple with vanilla clouding my judgement. A warm apple pie with the butterflies she gives me and a touch of nutmeg.

Her hands slid down my sides and at that moment, her lips curled against my neck with a smirk I only wish I could see as the feeling of her breath was an airy laugh...

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