Storming in the Streets - Conner 'Kon' Kent [Superboy]

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Summary: Kon sees someone under a shop awning – while a storm rages around them. Thinking they may need to get to their destination dry, he offers his jacket to help them. Too bad the storm has other plans.


"Hey, are you alright?"

At the sound of the voice behind you, your head whips around – not the best decision considering how tired you are and the way it seems to make the world spin despite your body remaining rooted where you stand. It takes another minute before you remember you were asked a question, and the man in front of you is waiting patiently for your answer. You squint, assessing the situation before you decide to answer. "I'm alright."

"You've been standing here for the last, like, 15 minutes, do you need any help?"

Before you even get the chance to answer there is a crack of thunder above you, drowning out any words you may speak. There is a simple word on the tip of your tongue: no. No, you do not need any help, thank you. But that would be a lie – you're dead on your feet, with too many bags to drag behind you and into your apartment during a raging storm. The storm would be fine on a regular day – but you're already bone tired and the thought of water seeping through your clothes is an unpleasant one at best. Finally finding your voice, you give him an answer. "Honestly, I'm not sure that I can get all these bags back to my apartment. Not without something breaking."

He seems to think for a moment, and somewhere in the back of your mind something says he looks familiar. You find it on the tip of your tongue and then he flashes a smile and just like that the thought it gone. "I can help you carry them back," he shrugs, standing a little straighter and that same smile plastered on his face, "if you'd like the help."

You need the assistance, really, and with the sun starting to set your options are dwindling as is. But inviting a stranger back to your apartment is certainly not in the top 10 list of 'best ideas' and you know that much. Your apprehension must have shown because the stranger's voice breaks you from your thoughts once more.

"I can give you my name, and you can send a picture to someone you know, to be on the safe side if that's what you're worried about."

You hum for a moment, thinking it over. "Y/N."

"Kon – well, Conner. But everyone calls me Kon." He shifts closer as you pull out your phone, still waiting patiently. Once more you ignore the feeling of familiarity, instead turning your back to him and holding the camera up for a selfie – some morbid part of your mind chimes you may as well have an updated photo if you go missing. If it bothers him, he says nothing about it. Instead, he gives a charming smile, long enough for you to take the picture and send it off to one of your friends, before slipping the device back into your pocket.

Turning back to him, you already have a few of the bags on your arms. "I can grab a few more really quick." Rather than reach for a bag, you find him taking off his jacket instead before stepping closer, draping it over your shoulders.

"Don't worry, I can carry the rest of them," he assures, picking them up before you have a moment to protest. It takes you longer than you care to admit for your brain to reboot, and when it does, you're flustered. Enough so he notices because his charming smile is threatening to give way to an amused smirk. You can see it in his eyes.

"Don't you need your jacket though? It's raining."

"I think you could use it more right now."

He says it like it's the easiest thing in the world, and the thought of staying somewhat dry is too compelling. Enough so that you set your bags down so you can properly slip the jacket on instead.

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