chapter 32: we can go home now

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from chapter 27:

"Amelia!!!" Rosalie squealed as she ran up to her in her pajamas.

"Look what I just received!!" she jumped with excitement.

Curiously, Amelia took the already opened letter out of her hands.

She began to open the letter as Rosalie danced around the room.

She pulled out the letter, "It's from Emmett."

"Mhm," Rosalie squealed."He's ready now. Amelia, can you believe it??? I'm going to be married!!!"

Without bothering to read the rest of the letter, Amelia looked up, shocked.

"Do you know what that means?" Rosalie cried out joyfully.

Amelia shook her head and frowned.

"We can go home now."


Amelia couldn't believe it, "what do you mean we can go home now?"

Rosalie held the letter to her chest as she jumped backward onto the bed, "Emmett. He found a job working for Leopold Alwyn's law firm."


"Leopold Alwyn. He's a barrister at one of the top firms in Wales."

"I don't understand. What does this mean?"

"It means he can support us now. It means we can buy a house and get married and finally be happy," she sighed with relief. "Amelia, I know this is a lot to ask, but I would love for you to come with us. I couldn't imagine being anywhere without you. I know you'd love it there."

Amelia shook her head and slumped into the chair, "Wales? But Rosalie, that's so far from here."

"I know, but from what Emmett wrote in the letter, it all sounds just wonderful!"

"What about your parents? They're in France, how do you expect them to react? They barely allowed you to come here without supervision."

"I know," Amelia said, her voice suddenly serious and calm. "It's why I'm not going to tell them."

"Rosalie, you can't."

"They would never understand! Emmett was our stable boy, and if they knew the truth, they would never let me see him again. They would never let me out of their sight until they married me off to the most pompous and awful man just because he's wealthy."

Amelia raised her voice, "so what now? You're never going to see them again? Never speak to them again? Rosalie, please don't do this."

"I didn't expect you to react like this," Rosalie huffed. "You of all people should be understanding of my situation."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Rosalie stood up, clenching the letter tightly in her palms, "you really don't think I haven't noticed your behavior lately? Coming home at odd hours, always singing and smiling. Suddenly, you're so willing to see Anthony Bridgerton, like he wasn't your biggest nuisance just mere weeks ago?"

Amelia could feel the blood rush to her cheeks, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, cut the bullshit. You like him. More than you'd ever admit. But does he feel the same way about you?"

Amelia pondered the question for a moment. Yes, he did like her back.

Right? Or was she just imagining it? She thought back to their days and nights together, the way he laughed at her jokes, how he stared into her eyes when they danced, how he kissed her goodnight. It couldn't be just her imagination running crazy.

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