Chapter 2

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I don't own Date a Live or it's characters. I'm also trying a new speech thing I was recommended. Let's see how it goes. Oh and there's a non canon slight OOC moment in here. See if you notice it. Alright then.
Let the date (battle) begin!

Flashback unknown time
???: Wake up! Come on wake up! Please!

*Cough* *Cough* huh? I open my eyes to feel my body leaning on someone.

???: Yes! Come on Kuro stay with me here! Your the only one here besides me. Mom left us!

Kuro?: Mom.... is..... gone?

???: Yes! But that's not important. Your bleeding and you need to stay awake. Don't die!

Why would I die? I'm only a little sleepy.

???: No keep your eyes open! Don't go to sleep!

It's only a little nap. I'll rest and be fine....
My eyes began to shut faster. A few minutes won't hurt right?

???: I can't lose you either! Then what will I do?

*Sigh* Sleepy time is a no go. With herculean effort, I open my eyelids and began to try and support my own weight. So like this we continued, until we were found. Found by....

Present time

I open my eyes slowly for what feels like the second time just in time to see a young woman leaning over me.

I open my eyes slowly for what feels like the second time just in time to see a young woman leaning over me

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She had bags under her eyes, like she was extremely sleep deprived, and her hair was dangling near my face.
I of course did what any man does when faced with close female contact. Use sheer willpower to keep Jr down.
Kuro: 'Calm mind, calm mind, calm mind!'
I shouted those words in my head repeatedly like I was a Pokemon and that was a move I learned by TM.
During my internal struggle to stop Excalibur from 'Piercing the Heavens', the woman was still staring before slowly backing away.
???: "Your awake. How do you feel? You did crash pretty hard."
How do I feel? Oh yeah. I had just saw a weird armored girl, Origami Tobiichi had a discount version of a Neptunia Processor Unit, and...
Kuro "Shit! Shido and Kotori! I need to find them."
I immediately hopped out of the mattress I was on and looked around the room trying to find an exit.
???: "Calm down. They're both fine. The commander will explain everything."
She got up behind me and began to move towards the door. Or at least tried to before she suddenly collapsed. Luckily I caught her in my arms.
???: "Thanks."
Kuro: "Ok. Pardon my french. But when's the last time you slept?"
She raised three fingers.
Kuro: "3 days ago?"
She shook her head no.
???: "It was probably 30 years ago."
The fuck!?
Kuro: "Thirty yea- Woman how are you still fucking alive!? Nope scratch that, moving on. Where is the commander at?"
She points down the hall.
Thanking her, I began to walk that way. Of course she's still in my arms.
???: "You can put me down you know."
Nope I say while popping the P.
Kuro: "Sorry not happening. We may be strangers, but you are getting sleep while I carry you. No ifs, ands, or buts."
While saying this I began raising my body heat to the point where I feel like a mini heater. Of course I make sure I'm warm enough to where you would get sleepy, but not hurt you.
???: .....
She says nothing but eventually drifts off in my arms. I smile and hold her a little tighter. At least I can help her get some sleep for now, even if we are strangers. In this fashion I continue down the hallway eventually finding a large room. Waiting near the front of the room is a bland man with blonde hair.

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