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Hearing the noise of a car alarm outside my house, i make my way out of my bedroom and go to the front door where i see my two older brothers.

"Leah, where's mum and dad?" Jonny asked.

"And what was Jim doing in our loo?" my other brother Adam continued.

"They are in the garage and - belive it or not, he was probably taking a piss." I responded answering both of their questions.

Adam rolled his eyes as they both walked passed me into the direction of the garage as I followed. We walked in to see my shirtless dad and my mum telling him what to do as usual. They asked mum the same questions they asked me but she gave better answers, telling them how they were doing a clear-out and how Jim broke his toilet.

"Your mother wants me to chuck away all my old copies of new scientist magazines. Can you believe it?" Dad complained.

"yes?" Adam responded.

This led on to my parents having a small argument about my mum saying they are 'crap', which I agreed with.

We all made our way into the kitchen, mum having a go at dad about him not doing the sofa-bed. She suddenly started ranting about the final of masterchef and a Greek guys terrific bum.

"you'll watch materchef with me wont you?" she questioned all her kids. Responded with a chorus of 'no'.


"its so boring." I wispered to my brothers remembering when mum practically forced me to watch it with her the other day.

"But its the final." I don't know why she was still trying to get us to watch it.

"of people cooking?"

"and then eating?"

Mum then tried to guilt trip my brothers into watching it claiming she only sees them once a week but they didn't cave.

"come on pigs" she said rolling her eyes as she left the room.

I sat down next to my dad and started eating my food.

"you know what Jackie, this is a lovely bit of squirrel" I rolled my eyes because I swear my dad says this every time we eat.

The phone rings making me and my brothers try to race to the phone until my mother says "calm down it'll only be val on about masterchef." We all groan and then sit back down.

"why is she so obsessed with that show anyway?" I ask my brothers.

"guess she just likes Greek arses." Jonny said shrugging, Adam humming in agreement.

As we sit back down at the table my dad starts telling Jonny that later he needs to take the science magazines to his car. I also found out that dad is buying even more magazines and making puss-face get them. Mum is going to go absolutely mental if she finds out, which she definately will.

"She is so funny!" Mum chuckles as she walked back into the room making us all quickly shut up.

"Is Alison a good cook?" Mum asked Jonny refering to his fake girlfriend.

"don't know really." He replied making mum question how he doesn't know what his own girlfriends food tastes like, Adam quickly fired out that Alison doesn't even exist, angering Jonny.

"Just because i've got a girlfriend!"

"who has another boyfriend."

"Simon is not her boyfriend"

"oh sorry, he's just the guy who sleeps on top of her" they quickly argued with each other, making me and mum laugh.

"i think it's so sad that neither of you have a girlfriend, even i've got a boyfriend." I said proudly.

"Shut up Leah, You're 16 and you have a new boyfriend everytime I see you" Adam was obviously annoyed.

"Atleast i wont die alone." I smirked at the two of them.

"Mum don't you think Adam should ask Tanya Green out?" Jonny said changing the conversation, "she is meant to be a lovely girl! sorry, female" he teased.

"She was a beautiful baby." Mum said

"you want me to go out with a baby?" Adam asked clearing not enjoying this topic.

"Don't be stupid!" mum shot back.

The conversation was cut short by the bell ringing, they boys quickly shot up but Adam was the one who ended up getting the door, turns out it was just Jim needing to use the bog.

"Do you think Jim ever gets any lady action?" Jonny asked, making my mum shush him in fear that Jim could hear.

"Thanks Jackie!" We heard Jim say making us assume he left.

"I reckon his dog gets more." Dad said answering Jonny's question making us all laugh.

"I reckon he just strangles them" Adam said making us all laugh even more.

Mid way through laughing Jim walks into the room.

"Hello everyone," he said making us all turn around and stop our laughing and look at eachother awkwardly.

He stands in the corner of the room for a while not taking the hint to leave until mum finally leads him out of the house.

A few minutes later the bell rings again, presumably Jim needing to use the toilet.

Soon after Adam let him in, Adam jogged back into the dining room.

"There's a man in our loo" He said rather confused.

"No shit Sherlock" I said.

"language, shit-face!" Jonny said whilst shaking his head at me, making me sarcastically smile at him.

He ran off again making Jonny and I quickly follow behind to see what he was actually on about. He led us to the downstairs bathroom where he continuosly said hello to the room

"What are you doing?" Jonny asked but was cut off by a response from the bathroom.

"hello?" someone said but that was not Jim's voice.

Mum and then dad soon comes as well and once the man is finished in the bathroom she asks him who he is and why he is there. To which he responds that his name is Chris Parker and he is here about the sofa bed. Turns out dad thought he was coming tommorow but he was indeed coming today.

Leah Goodman | Friday night dinnerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora