ch 27 - gold bird

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ah, I'm floating again. 

its so dark.

who was that person? the white haired man. 

white hair.

nii-san has white hair.

could it be him?

I hope it is, I miss him.

'you have to be careful n/n!'

ah, whose voice is that? it sound so familiar... like a person from a dream.

I'm dreaming right now aren't I?

or am I dead?

I hope I'm dead, I want to see oji-san, and maybe talk to mother.

I wonder what she's like, mother, goji-san says her eyes are super pretty, just like mine and nii-san's.

oh, there's light again.

its so bright.


who said my name? they have a pretty voice...


this voice is deeper, almost like oji-san's voice...

"ji-san?" I slur out. ah, my throat hurts, I wonder why.

I can't see anything, everything's blurry...

"here drink some water," it's the pretty voice again.

the rim of the cup was placed on my lips as the cool liquid washed down my dry throat.

my head hurt, I tired to sit up but couldn't.

that's when I felt it.

the pressure was so heavy, nearly as bad as amerterasu's.

my body moved on its own. it shot up quickly despite the pain and goosebumps covered my arms.

I shivered under the weight, what is this feeling?

my eyes shut closed, trying to block out this familiar feeling. 


my eyes shot back open as I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

it was big, the hand, it reminded me of mii-san's hand, big and warm, the feeling that could make all your worries wash away.

unconsciously tears slipped out of my eyes as I stared at the blurry figure that held my shoulder ever so gently.

I couldn't;t hear his voice, the sound of static filling my ears as I felt the world turning back.


Gojo tried to call to you, in shock at the tears falling from your eyes.

"Satoru, move!" shoko shouted at the male who turned around in shock as to what shoko said.

he dodged, eyes narrowing behind his blindfold. who, no what, is this thing? it was formless, like a shadow but bubbled around the formation of being a human.

it was as if black smoke was being contained by a flimsy plastic trying to escape, desperately trying to hold the shape of a person, a gold bird perched on its shoulder.

slowly, more humane features started to mold from the black vapor. a pale skin, long eyelashes, baggy black clothes revealing scarred arms, snakes slithering around the body as if they were a net holding him down.

slowly the being opened its eyes. black sclera with purple orbs with a mix of dark blue, the being stared at first Gojo and ieri then you and your half conscious figure sitting on the bed.

"who're you," Gojo asked, frown evident on his face.

"me?" the being spoke with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not important, its she who is."

a smirk was plastered on the beings face as he spoke, messy hair different from its once oily one.

"what is that supposed to mean?" 

"it means that its time she told you the truth," the beings eyes softened upon looking at our figure once more.

he sighed before pointing to you, making Gojo be on even more guard. the gold bird perched on his shoulder flew to you, completely ignoring Gojo's efforts to keep it away. the bird perched on your shoulder, your eyes softening before closing at the weight of your mind.

"I'll come back once the truth has been revealed, until then ciao~" the being disappeared into the shadows before waving lazily at the now annoyed Gojo satoru.

the two turned around to see your sleeping figure.

they haven't seen you sleep this peacefully before, and they both assumed it has something to do with the gold bird perched on your shoulder.

Gojo removed his blindfold, in attempt to find the being from before.

his eyes widened in shock when he couldn't it was as if it simply disappeared. like the being never existed in the first place.

"it's gone..."

shoko looked at him questioningly.

"that person, its gone as if it never existed in the first place..."


so the plan is one chapter a week and if I don't update I'm very sorry! I hope this chapter was good, I personally didn't like its that much but if you guys like it, that's all that matters!

vote and enjoy!


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