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Ch. 13: Don't Catch Feelings

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I take a seat across from my beautiful gray-eyed assistant. A sudden shyness seems to overtake her as she mumbles, "I... didn't realize that we were going to have dinner together."

Aria looks happy, though. It is rather adorable. Like a surly teen trying to suppress how excited she feels about something that she should be too cool to care about.

"You are hungry, no?" I note wryly. "Might as well eat with me."

Aria glances up, appearing uncertain as she eyes the delectable spread before us. "Well, there's no need to go through this much trouble next time. Pizza or Chinese takeout would be totally fine."

"Maybe I want to go through the trouble."

Tilting her head to the side, she asks quietly, "How come?"

Because I want you to trust me and tell me what you're hiding.

My jaw ticks slightly.

Because I don't know why I care so goddamn much about making you... happy.

Even I am mystified by my actions. I cannot believe I left work early just to plan all of this shit for her. Earlier this morning, in my office, she mentioned that La Perla was precious to her but too expensive, perhaps.

I can't afford not to come.

Aria had uttered this remark in a joking manner, but, even then, it made me want to give her all the finest things that money could buy. She deserved them. I wanted to shower my assistant with far more than a few scraps of lingerie, but I doubted that she would allow it, knowing her obsession with rules and boundaries. That was why I included the note on the bouquet. To make it seem as though she was doing me a favor by accepting the gifts. I even used my own paycheck to fund them. It did not feel right to dip into mia famiglia's fortune for a romantic gesture that should come solely from me.

Yet, good sense taunts me: Aria's happiness has nothing to do with our arrangement. I do not require her happiness to extract the answers I need from her. Hell, I do not even know why I care so much about digging into her stupid secrets.

"That is for me to know," I grumble, feeling sheepish, "and for you to wonder."

Aria's gaze thins as her expression tightens. She does not look impressed by my response. I observe, "You look like you have something to say."

"I do have something to say."

I look over. "Yes?"

Blushing, she averts her eyes for a moment. "I... really appreciate the gifts you prepared for me, but I don't think I can accept them. They're too expensive. It wouldn't be appropriate, given that I'm supposed to be your assistant. Nothing more."

Nothing more?

I am not surprised by her reaction. I was even anticipating it. We agreed to be "no strings attached," after all. But her rejection pricks me, nonetheless. I am suddenly vexed with her. And myself.

I'm scared, Nicco.

Why did I go through the trouble to impress her?

I'm scared he'll come for me again.

Why do I care so much about this troublesome girl, anyway?

Don't let him find me, okay?

I doubt Aria is in any danger. She is a good girl from a good family who went to good schools.

What does she know of real threats?

I have been overreacting. The guy she is referring to is probably some crazy annoying ex who will not leave her alone. With any other woman, I would not give a fuck. But with Aria—

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