Chapter 28

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A gentle tap on my hand woke me up and made me look at the culprit who woke me up.

There, on my right side, stood a man with disheveled violet hair and bright crystal blue eyes that.

"Lania, wake up quickly. How long are you going to sleep? Sleeping too long is not good for the body." His hands on his hips.

I got up and looked to my left. The curtains that were closed now opened revealing the clear morning sky. I turned my attention to Vasilius who looked sweaty, I assume he had just finished his sword practice in the morning as usual.


Wait.. didn't he finish at...

"What time is it now?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Six o'clock, why?" He looked at me with raised brow.

Seriously... don't tell me I have to wake up at 6 every day..

I pulled up my blanket and lay back down.

"Wha- hey! Since when have you been so lazy huh? Get up quickly."

He pulled the blanket that I'm wearing, making me tighten my grip. But his strength was so strong that it made me sit up.

"Ugh... brother Valius, it's still too early." I said half asleep.

"Stop complaining and get ready quickly, the maids will come with your dress and prepare you. But you must refuse if they try to change your face with thick make up." He said in a disturbed tone.

"Hm? Why do I have to dress up?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Ah, right. I forgot you haven't received the letter."

I was still half awake, staring at the big door across from me. A sound of footsteps, which I believed belonged to Vasilius, walked away and came back again.

A letter and a piece of paper fell on my lap, making me pick it up and read its contents with lingering sleepiness.

I read the small paper first. There's an address and time which I didn't really think much about what it means because of my sleepiness.

I took the letter and read its contents. In the middle of reading the letter, I spotted a familiar name.

After reading the letter to the end, I read the name of the sender. My eyes widen. The sleepiness that I had felt disappeared in an instant.

The sender is the crown prince's assistant!

I looked at Vasilius with mixed feelings.

Vasilius looked at me with raised brow. "Have your conscious been collected?" He tilted his head slightly and smiled a little.

I looked at him annoyed and panicked in the inside. "Why are you telling this to me just now?"

Vasilius shrugged his shoulders. "I always forgot to tell you." He said casually.

Geez... I'm sure you did it on purpose... you were able to give the letter last night! Or at least tell me!

I glared at Vasilius who was now walking out.

"Good luck." He said with a smile before waving and closing the bedroom door.

Sigh... I thought you were worried about me, but you weren't.. What kind of big brother smiles when his little sister is in danger? I could be beheaded if Lavenia is was the culprit of that accident... though, I'm sure she's innocent... but still! There is no evidence!

I looked at the letter that crown prince sent to me.

Now I remember about him...

Julianus Istvan Eleuther, he is the crown prince as well as one of the capture targets. His route is the route with many missions and longest story.

Transmigrated as the terminally ill villainessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora