Chapter 2

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The D-Day had came, one of the most decisive moments for Europe at that time. The battleships stopped in a safe distance from the shoreline and men started preparing for the invasion. Planes were already making rounds over the beach to bomb the opponent's positions. The battle had officially begun and the First Platoon would soon participate in it as well. Gloria was looking through the binoculars at the barely visible land on the horizon. ''I can see the land.'' Her pulse quickened at the sight of thick trails of smoke raising on the orange sky. Turner with a solemn expression on his face was standing by her side. Leaning against the railing, he was staring thoughtfully ahead at what was awaiting him but his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his home in Massachusetts. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Gloria's troubled look and asked in a soft voice: ''Are you scared?''

''Should I be? I'm a war hero's sister and because of it everyone has high expectations of me.''

''You come from a military family, bravery runs in your blood. But please, Gloria, don't get hurt out there. You are all I have.''

''The same goes with you, Joseph.'' Gloria hugged him tightly, she was scared but of losing him. 

Turner, smiling warmly at his sister, stroked her hair. ''The briefing will start soon. Go prepare for it.''

''Yes, sir.'' Just as she left with a spring in her step, Pierson, who had been waiting until they were done talking, made his way toward Turner. ''Finished sayin' goodbyes?'' 

''I bid farewell to my home a few days ago. I think that's enough.''

''I meant your sister.''

''Why would I? She's in our squad.''

''Wait, she goes with us?''

''Didn't you listen to what Davis said? Gloria is here to assist the commander.''

''Joseph, she is your sister!'' Pierson looked around when he realized that he accidentally said it too loud and next he lowered his voice. ''You're sending her off to war.'' 

''You seem to be more worried about her than I am.''

''Unlike you I tried to save Toby, so please, don't make me go through it again.'' 

Mentioning Toby only reopened old wounds and Turner abruptly turned in his way. ''You are the one who led to that disaster! You and your damn pride killed my little brother!'' There was a short awkward silence before Turner gave him his final glare and left in anger. Pierson and Turner used to be close friends but after the battle of Kasserine Pass their friendship got complicated and then Turner became more distant toward Pierson. However, the irony of fate once again put them in the same squad and they had to support each other despite all the grudges they hold against each other.


When Gloria was passing by her friends' room, she decided to pop in. Because of the strict rules the only time she could chat with them was during meals in the canteen. ''Hey, guys. Whatchu doin'?''

''Oh, Gloria!'' Zussman was first to see her and at once his lips formed into a bright smile. Gloria loved to hangout with Zussman because he was the best partner in crime when it came to pranking Pierson. ''I'm showing boys my amazing skills with a knife. Come and see.'' 

Curious Gloria sat down next to Daniels, who was writing something in his diary as usual. ''He has been entertaining us with his story about everything and nothing for about an hour.''

''Is that so?'' Gloria chuckled, seeing his ironic smile.

''Wanna try?'' Zussman tossed the knife on the table to challenge Gloria after Stiles refused. Aiello scoffed loudly but at least he refrained from making a sexist comment.

The Bloody First(Pierson x OC)(CODWWII)(ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang