chapter 22

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Pihu's pov:

I open my eyes and gaze out Eeshaan is beside me, stretched out on the bed. My husband—my hot, beautiful husband, shirtless, and only in jeans.

"Did you sleep well," Eeshaan murmurs softly in my ear. I am sprawled on his chest sated from our passionate lovemaking session.

"Hmm," I said. He chuckles and hugs me tightly, kissing the top of my head. "so shall we go out."

Sleepily I raise my head. "I'm tired"
He thrums his fingertips up and down my naked back, caressing me gently.

"What do you want, Pihu, Tell me." he huskily asked. I gaze up at him moved by the quiet entreaty in his glowing blue eyes. "let's sleep, in the evening we can go," He nods and strokes my hair. Could I be any happier? I kiss his chest, a soft chaste kiss, and smile up at him.

"You have become bold," Eeshan whispers in my ear, startling me from my doze.

"Only for you," I give him my sweetest smile. He smirks. The late afternoon sun has shifted.

"My pleasure, Mrs. Kapoor," He raises an eyebrow, his eyes shining with joy, and my heart expands.

He leans down and kisses me, playfully biting my lower lip.
"I was hoping you'd give me a good massage," I pout against his

"Mrs. Kapoor, it's a dirty job... but that's an offer I can't refuse. Sit up," he orders, huskily. I do as I'm told, and with slow meticulous strokes from strong and supple fingers, he massages my body.

"You really are very lovely. I'm a lucky man," he murmurs.

"Yes, you are, Mr. Kapoor," I gaze coyly up at him through my lashes.

"Modesty becomes you, Mrs. Kapoor."

Smiling, I roll over, "Thirsty?" he asks. "Yes," I mutter sleepily.

"I didn't get much sleep last night."
"Me neither." He grins.

"Come for a bath with me." He holds out his hand while I look up at him,
dazed. "bath," he says again, with an amused expression on his face. When I don't respond, he shakes his head slowly.

"I think you need a wake-up call." Suddenly he pounces and lifts me into his arms while I shriek, more from surprise than alarm.
"Eeshan! Put me down!" I squeal.
He chuckles. "Only in the bathroom, baby."

Eeshan carries me to the bathroom, chuckling, and wades in.
I clasp my arms around his neck.

"You wouldn't," I say breathlessly, trying to stifle my giggling. He grins. "Oh, pihu, baby, have you learned nothing in the short time we've
known each other?"

He kisses me, and I seize my opportunity, running my fingers
through his hair, grasping two handfuls, and kissing him back while invading his mouth with my tongue. He inhales sharply and leans back.

"I know your game," he whispers and slowly sinks into the cool, clear water,
taking me with him as his lips find mine once more. The chill of Venice is soon forgotten as I wrap myself around my husband.

"I thought you wanted to bathe," I murmur against his mouth.

"You're very distracting," Eeshaan grazes his teeth along my lower lip.
I run my teeth along his jaw, his stubble tickly against my tongue,
"pihu," he groans. He wraps my long hair around his wrist and tugs gently,
tilting my head back, and exposing my throat. He trails kisses from my ear down my neck.

Eeshan pulls away and gazes down at me, his eyes warm, wanting, and
amused. Eeshaan grabs me around my waist and applies the body wash.

"Eeshan," I scold, glaring at him. I thought we were going to make love while bathing...He bites his lower lip to stifle his amusement. I splash him, and he splashes me right back.

"We have all night," he says, grinning.
He's such a tease..

And after bathing our food and drinks have arrived, and I take a quick sip of Coke.

We didn't go out in the evening and decided to out at night, he wear a huge, beaming smile.

"Ready to party, pihu?" Eeshaan murmurs, giving me his gorgeous smile. I met. He looks divine in a simple black tux with a silver waistcoat and ties. He's so dashing.

"yeah, I am," I grin. We have been blessed with fine weather, and the moon shines over the water.

We entered the place there was a dance floor at one end. People are dancing and laughing with each other.

I hope Eeshaan and I last longer. I don't know what I'd do if he left me.

"Pihu," eeshaan puts his arms around me, surprising me, and kisses my temple.

"You look stunning, pihu,"

"So do you," He smiles, and bends and kisses me, "Let's go. I don't want to share you with all these people anymore," he said, I giggle at his words. "We have just arrived," he pout and nodded with my words.

We both danced there then we take the water boat taxi and came back to our hotel and not forgetting he kissed me on the boat even when the water taxi driver was also present there.

He waves his long-fingered hand.
"You look beautiful. And I want to be the one to undress you." I blushed at his words.

Eeshaan grasps my hand and kisses my knuckles. "So far so good, Wifey?"

"Yes, I am," I grinned.

"Turn around." His voice is low, authoritative, and sexy as hell. How can he infuse so much promise into those two words? Willingly I comply and his hands move to my hair. Gently he pulls out each hairpin one at a time, his expert fingers
making short work of the task. My hair falls,

"You have such beautiful hair, pihu," His mouth is close to my ear and I feel
his breath, though his lips don't touch me. he runs His fingers travel on down, and he tugs, tilting my head
back to expose my throat.
"You're mine," he breathes and his teeth tug my ear lobe. I groan.

He sweeps my hair over my shoulder and trails a finger across the top of my back from shoulder to shoulder following the lace edge of my dress. I shiver in anticipation. He plants a tender kiss on my back.

I close my eyes and tilt my head, giving him easier access to my neck,
"Mine," he whispers once more. He peels my dress down.

"Pihu," he breathes. "My pihu," His lips claim mine once more, his tongue invasively persuasive. He pauses, gazing at me, eyes wide, eyes wanting.

He groans, and in one swift move, he clasps me around the waist and lifts me onto the bed, following me down onto it. His lips find mine, his hands curling around my head, holding me, stilling me as our tongues glory in each other.

"So impatient, Wifey,"

He looms up over me, his body covering mine, resting his weight on his elbows.
He runs his nose down mine, and I run my hands down his strong, supple
back to his fine, fine backside.

"Wifey," His lips brush, and All night we were lost in each other.

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