All That is Left Pt.2

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So, let's recap on what's happened. I grew up in my grandpa's fallout bunker that he, my grandma, dad, and mom took shelter in after WWIII destroyed the world. After the world stabilized I started to leave the bunker, explore and find hobbies. Until one day my family was killed by mercenaries. I decided to leave home in search of revenge on those who paid them to kill my family. I made new friends, made the world a little safer, and even found someone special to me. We found the man who paid the mercenaries but he was just a middleman. I found a picture and a name. It was time to find this asshole.

                                                                                Chapter 1

We hung around town gathering intel for a couple more days. It turns out this "Spider" was a slippery one. He never stayed in the same place for longer than 48 hours and he purposefully spread false rumors of where he was to throw others off his tracks. He was obviously not a very good guy. He had made a lot of enemies and was very powerful. I needed to find him. Figure out why he killed my parents and make him feel my pain. From the picture I had, I could see he was a Latino male, roughly in his 30s, with black hair. I couldn't see his eyes due to the tinted glasses he was wearing. Those were the only features about him that probably wouldn't change. So we switched approaches. Instead of looking for him, we started looking for his enemies. We knew that if we could get one of these powerful men to help us we could find Spider. So we started asking around for his well-known enemy "Hermes." He was a man who controlled almost all trade in the continent. He hated Spider because Spider always found a way around his rules and would get away with it. We chose to find him because of this hatred and because he was easy to find. If anyone would have an idea of where to find Spider it would be his enemy. He set up shop in the old New York subway tunnels. We filled up on ammo and gas. Then we headed northeast. It would be another trip across the country but it would be worth it. After a day of driving, we stopped and set up camp in the ruins of Phillip, South Dakota.

                                                                                 Chapter 2

It was cold and hard to find much supplies. We were able to find a concrete structure that was enclosed and big enough to drive into. We built a decent sized fire to warm the place up and give us a little light while we ate and took inventory of gear. At the end of the night before bed we all huddled near the fire and confirmed our path for the next day. Jackson pointed out the Army Reserve Center and Ammo Supply that was in the direction we were headed. We decided we would make quick stops at each looking for food and ammo. You can never stock enough food and ammo can be used for a lot of things including currency. In the morning when we all woke up it was colder than the night before. We decided that cold weather clothes were a must find as well. So after a 4 hour drive up to the reserve center we noticed that there was going to be a big problem. There was a group of pera-military militia that occupied our targets. We parked the car outta sight and were watching them from atop a parking structure. "Wait here." I said stripping myself of my firearms and handing them to Dan. Lela grabbed my arm forcefully. "What the fuck are you doing?" She yelled at me in a whisper. "Checking to see what kind of place this is." I responded as I turned toward Dan. "Cover me." I told him. He nodded his head in understanding before I took off toward the ground floor and onto the street. I casually walked toward the facility until I heard a man in a commanding voice yell at me "Put your hands above your head and identify yourself!" I did as he said. He grabbed me and put me face first against a pieced together chain link fence. He held me at gunpoint while another man searched me. They took the knife that I still had strapped to my side and forced me through the gates and into the building. They sat me in an office chair across from an older gentleman in worn army fatigues. His name tag read Stansky. He wore a general's rank on his chest. He had a grey mustache that ended at the corners of his mouth and silver, thin hairs covering the top of his head. "Why are you here?" He barked at me. Without giving me time to respond he said in a calmer more suspicious voice "You a spy? A thief? A bandit?" "No sir" I jumped at the break in his questioning. "Then why are you here." He said in a more relaxed manner. "Me and my comrades are traveling around the country chasing the man that killed my parents." I told him. "So why are you here?" He asked. "We didn't know this place was occupied and were looking to find ammo, food, and warm clothes." I answered. "You said you are traveling with others. Where are they." He asked. "Nearby, waiting for my orders." I responded. "Ok, go to them and come back. We can give you what you need." He said. "Thank you." I replied with a smile. I didn't believe a word he said. They released me. I walked back the way I came. And disappeared into an ally knowing I was being tailed. I took a complex way to get back as to not be followed and told the group what had happened. "What do we do? We aren't trusting them right?" Jackson asked in a worried tone. "Hell no." I responded. "Then what?" Lela asked. I looked Dan in the face "Go grab the big rifle." I said. He nodded and took off to the car. "The three of us will go up in full gear and accept the help. If they attack we will counter and wipe them out." I said to the other two. They nodded as well.

All that is Leftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن