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From marriage mandap to car
Every thing got so fast.

Her mother shows her fake concern and crocodile tears.
Her sister came to hug her, and while hugging she whispered get lost.
Her brother came and told her to not create any seane at singhaniya.
Her father just hugged her, didn't said anything. Mugdha didn't hug him back. How could she, it be the first time he placed his hand on her forehead for giving fake blessings, from childhood to now she had always seen this man's hand raised to slap her or beat her.
If it's another time he would have slapped her for disrespecting him in front of these Elite people.
Well he just can't show his real side in front of the world or maybe singhania's.

She smirked looking at their acting but due to her vail cover face no one can see the expression clearly.

She said good bye to her family in her mind
Her family
She wants to laugh at that thought internally.
But she just feel too much heavy to even breath .

She just seated in car.
Soon her husband entered in the car.
The air in the car started to feel more heavy by his presence .

She looked at him, more like his hand which knuckles are turning white as his grip tightens on the sword he is holding as the groom has to be held .
It's a coustom.
But he was holding that beautifully decorated golden thread with crimson velvet covered sword like trying to control to not drag that out and kill someone.
And Mugdha very well knows that the person whom he wants to kill is none other than Mugdha herself and her family .

How she wish it was a dream and someone will wake up and told her that her nightmare was over now.
How she wish to run... run away from this place these people.
But there is nowhere, where she can go.
Not a single person, with whom she can relay on.

Mugdha looked at her own hands which are now covered in dark chocolate brown colour heena and
In that heena a name is written of man.
That man who is now her husband
Hriday singhaniya.

Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and looked outside of the window.
Even it is night and chilly weather she slide down the glass of car window.
Cool Breeze of air fell on her face she felt it's good to have this car. its her first time to open the car window. Her first time to do something with her own will even if she got scold or punished she doesn't care cause she can have this nice feeling of freedom for little while. Just a little while.

She is married now.
Mrs Mugdha hriday singhaniya.
A sigh left from her mouth.
She should cry atleast cause it's her wedding day but not a single tear escaped from her green eyes.
Maybe cause to stop this marriage she had cried too much.

It's the beginning of something good or maybe worst. she thought at least she is not going to live with her so called narcissistic family.

But she is going to live with the man who is Stanger but now is her husband and the new cage which is going to be her house

In namesake


Like always.

She should sleep cause she didn't know how long is going to take to reach there. And also don't know what is awaiting for her .

Mugdha's peaceful slumber got interrupted when the car stopped moving.

They arrived at destination.

Her husbands house,
Her husband got out of the car, and slammed the door harshly.
Rude much.
But for Mugdha it doesn't matter, she don't want to got out of that car to get humiliated.

But it doesn't matter,
She has to go through it...

"No problem. I will face everything."
Saying this in her mind she got out of the car opening door by herself.

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