▪︎Chapter 04▪︎

446 14 4

The interrogation
(Trigger warnings: swearing, description of violence)


Detective and his writer colleague were swiftly walking through Yokahama's streets. The two were heading to the prison to interrogate the leader of gang that had almost took Ranpo's life - police with help of psychologists had found out, that he and his gang were dragged into bigger business than just being thieves that beat up tourists. They figured that Ranpo might want to hear it. Only smart decisions they've made in detective's opinion -.

As they went, their hands were one in another with intertwined fingers. They both held on. Poe loosely, Ranpo tightly - very tightly -. Some people from older generations gave them unpleased looks and some small children confused looks. Poe couldn't blame them for that. He knew that it might look unusual and as if there was something going on between him and his short companion, but truth was, it was only because Ranpo's fear of walking alone and the gang he was about to interrogate was kicking in and holding onto someone helped him to somehow feel like he was not alone. Poe agreed on holding his hand only because he didn't want Ranpo to feel uncomfortable or stressed - he knew very well how frightening it could feel -. And if there was more to it, it wouldn't matter anyway. He just wanted to help him, nothing more.

'Just help him... You're just helping Ranpo... This is what rivals do, right? It sure has to, carrying for your rival is completely normal and polite. Or is it...? No. Shut up. It is. It is. It. Surely. Is.'

Poe's emotion swings were punching him from all directions as his mind was racing in maximum speed. He was fighting back the urge to punch himself awake to stop his overthinking, but he didn't want to frighten Ranpo even more. He was there to help him. Failing this task was not an option. It never was and never will.
Looking at their intertwined fingers and how relaxed Ranpo looked compared to time before they grabbed on each other's hands, it really did look kinda questionable and as if there was something more to it. Regret alongside with second thoughts about his current situation slapped him across the face.

'When did I come to the point where I would be holding hand of my rival? Is it even right? It kinda feels like it, but is it globally considered that way? Why are there so many people staring at us?! I want to go back home, lock myself up and see Karl again...'

The writer sight slightly when remembering the moment he had to leave Karl home, since this was a 'serious deal' and pets in prison weren't allowed. But if there was one thing that was the only comfort to him right now, it was Ranpo entrusting Kenji and Kyōka to stop by Poe's house to feed Karl and keep him company for a while. Even the raccoon tend to get lonely sometimes, that's why Poe always kept him close by, but he also had to adapt to the current situation that didn't allow him to bring Karl along. Though Poe had faith in the two, his doubts were still pretty big.

Suddenly Ranpo spoke up.
"We're here." he said only two words. It sure was unusual, or even against Ranpo's flashy and talkative nature. It took no big detective skills to find out, that it was like this because Ranpo tried to hide the way his voice was shaking. There was no doubt that some kind of trauma or fear had grew inside the small male with messy black hair and constantly closed eyes.
"Hah... How ironic. I'm usually not that nervous before interrogation... Because I feel like I'm above the situation, but now... I'm the kicked puppy that fears the man that hurt it." the detective tried to talk his fears out as he usually did.
"Even now when my glasses were repaired, I feel... vulnerable." Ranpo looked down, let go of writers hand and crossed his arms on his chest.
'Say something, damnit! Say something you worthless idiot! He needs to hear some comforting words! Say them!!'
Part of Poe's mind screamed.
"But this time you're not alone..." writer managed to say as he glanced in Ranpo's direction. Ranpo tilted his head towards him.
"Of course- I'll be close by your side through the whole thing." Poe tried to give him a cheering smile.
"Right. I don't know what kind of dramatic mindset has kicked in. It was really pathetic of me. But thanks for the cheer up. I'm gonna show them who's the boss this time!" Ranpo said back in his flashy and energetic mood. Poe was relieved to see Ranpo back in his shoes again.

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