Part 101

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Dave POV

I woke up confused asf. Hearing all those machines beeping and seeing the IV hooked to me. It was no doubt I was in the hospital but as to why, I didn't know. I tried to figure it out but got an escrutiating headache anytime I tried to think. Within a few minutes a short brownskin woman in a nursing uniform entered the room and the shock evidentally on her face as though she was suprised to see me looking at her. "Wow you're finally awake. Ain't God good ." she smiled at me. She walked up to me and removed whatever it is that was in my nose and mouth. Then I tried to speak and failed until she brought me a glass of water. Ofcourse the first thing I asked was "why am I here?". Before answering that she informed me she had to first make sure I was feeling okay. She took my temparature and other shit, asked me a few dumb questions then reminded me that I was shot. It took me a good minute for it to start coming back. The memory damn near gave me a migraine. I didn't remember every detail of that night but some pieces made sense. Alot was running through my mind at that time but the most pressing thing was to make sure Danny was okay. She may not have been in the vehicle with me but I know she was there when the shooting happened. It would kill me if I learned that my sister was hurt too. Once I learnt that I was the only one shot and Danny was fine the nurse went more into depth with how long I've been here and the progress of my "recovery", what to expect and what not. I couldn't believe I've been here sleeping unconscious for four whole months. Being away from Kairi for that long, lord alone knows how she's dealing with this. Then I got Danny, my parents, Shooter... And Lily that probably been going through it.
"The doctor will alert your immediate family of the good news and he will be with you shortly." She said before exiting the room.

I had a solid twenty minutes to myself before anyone walked in and all I could think of was how blessed I am. I've had near-death experiences before being in this street life and it ain't something I ever want to put my family through yet here we are again. This time was different though. The only thing I could think of were my kids. I feel like shit knowing I could've really left them behind at such a young age and leaving such their mothers to raise em on their own. My daughters mean the world to me and that's partly the reason I decided to fall back on the street shit. I got people depending on me and I can't be risking their safety and wellbeing no matter how safe I be feeling sometimes. I know niggas be coming grimy asf and don't care who they gotta hit as long as you feel that shit. I know Danny must have felt terrible. Me and baby sis really tight as thieves. I'd lose my life willingly for that girl. I always felt like Danny my first kid. I damn near raised her too. The thought of her witnessing me getting shot up gotta be traumatizing. Then having to see me in a fuccin coma got to be torture. I can't even wrap my head around all this just yet to be honest but imma be back on my feet fasho. I'm ready to be with my family again, no doubt they've been through it and my girl too. I promised Lily she'd never have to go through no shit like this and just when I'm on my way out the game I get shot but these niggas unlucky asf that I made it out. That was their mistake.

"I thought I lost you" Danny cried as she hugged me. That's all she's been doing from the moment she walked in.
"C'mon Dee, I don't gotta see you cry like this. It hurts me enough just thinking bout what you probably went through." I said in her ear as I rubbed her back.
"I know Dave, I'm sorry but I can't help it. It was just so hard. I started losing hope I thought-"
"That you lost me ? That ain't gon happen anytime soon. " I kissed her temple. I saw our dad holding mom as she cried with a big ass smile on her face as she took in the scene..tears of joy I guess. I looked by the door when I remembered Lily entered the room with Danny but she was gone.
"Yo Dee, where Lily went ?" I asked her. She raised her head looking around then watched me confused before getting up "I don't know but I'll find her."

Shooter POV

Shooter POV

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Just One Chance(Rewritten) Ryan Destiny x Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now