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They eat in silence listening to the radio.  After they finished up their food both of them head into the store.  Cole takes his wifes hand in his as they head to the baby section.  It a couple minute to get there as they stopped in the isle full if baby things that had strollers, carseats, babybouncers, even cribs.  Y/n stops in front of the baby crib looking at the prices.  Cole looks around the place of the baby isle.

  "What about this one....its a lower price..."

"Hm?" Cole looks at her and then at the crib.

He blinks a few times y/n was watching him closely to see if he'll agree with her.  His head slightly nods cole takes the box holding the crib and the small matress that comes with it.

(Time skip)

Several hours of shopping passes y/n and cole come home finally but cole wasn't finished he had to bring the stuff inside.  Y/n sits down on the couch catching her short breath. 

Cole comes in through the door frame dragging the box inside.  He looks over to see her sitting. 

"Hey it would be nice to have some help over here!"

"Im fucking pregnant about to give birth in a month from now!!"

"Well can you at least just help me with the rest since we have tons of groceries for the house"

"God damn finw Jesus fucking Christ!!"

She grumbles and struggles to get up off the couch.  Walking over to the door she puts on slippers and heads outside walking over to the car she opens the door.  Multiple bags of food and drinks were in the backseat.  Grabbing a few bags cole comes back outside and taps her bottom gently.  She spins around to see him smirking she rolls her eyes he chuckles and goes to the trunk to take the rest of the things out.  Y/n heads inside carrying the food her breath starts to get heavy as she places the bags on the floor bending over panting. 

  This went on for another few rounds after the three last bags were set down Nathan comes into the kitchen spotting her by herself.  He raises a brow in question he then looks for cole only to see that hes nowhere around. 



"Woah sorry for startling you"

"What do you want"

"Do you need any help with those or...?"

"Yes actually and i cant find cole I dont know where he went"

"Gotcha welp I'm hopping over"

Nathan hops over the Counter and helps out with the rest putting them away with y/n.  The girl bends over feeling a thunderkick inside her round belly she holds the place.  Grunting in discomfort he takes notice of this and pauses in worry. 

"Are you okay!?"

"Yeah...ill be fine"

"Are you sure?"

She nods her head he sighs cole comes into view to spot his pregnant wife holding her round belly.  Dashing into the room he appears by her side talking lowly.  Nathan continues to go back to unpacking everything cole takes the girl into the other room he makes a phone call to someone.  Shortly after tires screech outside meaning they had a visitor.

The door slams open to reveal Bethany and vivian.  Talking started up as they then spot the girl sitting on the couch with cole by her side. 

"Y/n!!! Whats going on!!?"

"Are you starting to feel the discomfort already??"

"Yeah I have been these last few weeks"

"Damn...that baby girl is kicking your ass in this pregnancy"

"Um can you two sit with her so i can call my parents real quick?"

They nod letting cole leave the room.  Both of them sit on the couch with the girl a few hours passed.  The front door opens to reveal coles parents only his mother spots the girls immediately and rushes over.  They look at her in question before talking again.

"Why didnt you tell me that youve been feeling like this....?"

"Cole took the phone from me so i can't talk to anyone else.."

"Ah I see anyways can i feel the baby move"

"Uh sure"

Coles mother gently cups the girls stomach with her warm palms.  Soon the baby starts moving more, Nathan comes into the room.  Vivian and Bethany were talking to the girl as Nathan takes a seat on the couch watching tv. 

"Man i cant wait until she's born.."

"Tell me about it im just ready to spoil my granddaughter already!!" Coles mother happily chirps.

"Can i be the awesome uncle?" Nathan speaks out loud causing the girls to laugh y/n responds back to him.

"Sure but you better not let her get into trouble!"

He raises his hands up in surrender.  Throughout the night y/n and cole were relaxing in the livingroom as he played his video game on the tv screen.  Everyone else was gone, the girl was fast asleep already.  He looks at her softly before kissing her forehead.



  The sun crawls in through the window lighting up the livingroom y/n just slept in when cole yawned.  He sits up from his sleeping position stretching out his limbs.  Checking his phone he noticed multiple text messages from everyone including his wife's family.

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