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I feel the light hit my eyes as I try to open them, and the scent is unfamiliar. This is not my dorm...

"Rora?" Draco's voice whispers tiredly, and I look over at my side, seeing him sitting on a chair beside the bed.

"Where am I?" He grabs my hand smiling.

"Thank god you woke up. You're at the hospital wing. You had a panic attack and fainted." He smiles faintly, and I look around, slowly starting to remember what happened.

"Mattheo..." I whisper, and Draco lets go of my hand.

"He helped you here, but then he left. He didn't think you'd want him to be here when you woke up. How are you feeling?"

I shrug slowly. "Weak, how did you know I was here? What time is it?"

"Mattheo texted us. Your tests were fine, so you can leave and return to your dorm when you're ready. I'll help you," I smile and nod, and he helps me out of bed.

"Theo and pansy went to get some food, you've been out for a few hours now, but I think your body needed to relax." He holds me tightly, and I nod slowly.

"You're okay? Want me to hold you?"

"I think I'm fine. I can try." He smiles and lets go of me, and I walk beside him towards the dorm, but my legs are too weak, so I fall. Draco catches my body before I touch the floor, and he shakes his head.

"Let me hold you, okay? We can't risk you getting hurt while walking to your own bed." He smirks at me, and I blush, looking away.

"Come on, let me help you." I nod, grabbing his hand. "Thanks,"

"No problem, Rora."


Mattheo - Aurora

Hey I'm so fucking sorry about what happened
I was worried about you and I didn't want you to be alone
I thought you would relax and calm down as you usually do when I'm around but I fucked up.
I'm so sorry about what happened and I hope you're doing ok now
Text me when you wake up and get something to eat
I'm sorry
Take care Rora

I'm awake

thank god
How are you feeling

Been better
I feel weak af

oh yeah
Have you gotten some food?

yup Theo gave me some :)

that's good
I'm sorry I didn't give you some space
I guess I can't stay away when I know you are hurt and weak
But I made it worse and I want to apologize for that
And everything else
I'm truly sorry rora

look I'm not going to forgive you for what happened
And I won't take you back, I'm sorry
But 16 years of friendship means a lot to me
And I won't let that go because of a drunk mistake and a stupid relationship
You've never hurt me before
I don't know why you did it now
But I know my best friend
And I kinda miss him

you think it was a mistake?

I think we love each other
Or at least I know I love you
A lot
But we're a lot better as friends
Best friends
Maybe we were supposed to stay that way?

I think you're right. I do love you
I've never really loved someone
But I've always loved you, maybe we got confused
But I do miss my best friend
Even though I hurt you

My best friend has been gone for a while
I hope I can get him back one day

I'm sure he would fight to get you back
As his best friend


I need time to think
And maybe fix my own problems with alcohol and stuff
I won't let that get in the way again

That sounds good
We're all here to help you
You know that right?

Thank you Rora
I don't know what I would do without you

and I'm a mess without you Mattheo
Give me some time
I'm still disappointed and hurt
And I need to work on my trust
But I won't give up on our friendship
Not yet
I'm not sure I can do that

Thank you
You have no idea how much that means to me
I won't ever do something to hurt you again

I know
I'm going to get some sleep
Good night Mattheo

Good night rora


Its Friday and I couldn't be happier about it

Texting you D.M, T.N, M.RTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang