Chapter Twenty-Six (part two)

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A smirk played on my lips as Hugh stared shocked at the door. But the smile soon faded when I noticed how his whole body tensed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He growled.

Slowly, I left the bowl forgotten on the floor as I walked to him. Hugh turned to me and his eyes showed his concern and anger.

"This better not be him" he hissed.

Frowning, I stepped closer. That's when I heard his voice.

"I want to see Emily."

Oh God...that voice...

"Well, she doesn't want to see you. Like ever." Hugh glared at the man in front of him.

My heart clenched and I felt as if someone had thrown cold water over me.

What on earth is he doing here?

"I know she's right here" He pushed at the door that Hugh was almost closing.

I was frozen in the empty living room completely shocked. I closed my eyes and panicked inside my head...

He's here...

Why is he here?

Please, let this be a bad dream...

"You know, one word from you" Hugh said huffing since they were struggling with the door, "and I'll gladly beat the shit out of this ass-"

Sighing, I shook my head, "I'll talk to him so he can leave sooner..."

"But Em-"

"It's ok, Hugh..." I grabbed his hand and he reluctantly let the door open completely.

There he was.

His hazel eyes  that I once loved now seemed plain and he was lacking on the muscular department. He looked completely dull. What did I ever find enticing about him!

I think I prefer dark chocolate eyes and sexy chiseled features...

"Hello beautiful."

The tone of his voice that I used to find completely sexy and alluring, seemed now kind of fake...and plain...and somewhat disgusting...

"What are you doing here Sam?" my voice was cold, although on the inside I was panicking about the fact that Scott could arrive at any moment.

"I want to talk to you..." he grabbed the door, "can I come in?"

"I'm actually waiting for someone" I trailed, "I don't think this is a good time." Or ever.

We had nothing to talk about.



He could go to hell for all I cared.

The anguish I felt when I heard his voice was pretty soon replaced with anger.

Sam watched me confused. I rolled my eyes at that.

What was he expecting?

That the moment I laid eyes on him I would forget about everything and run to him?


I brushed a palm at my face, completely exasperated. "You know? Actually I really don't want to talk to you ever...and I'm really waiting for someone, so if you could just-"

"Emi" he stressed the pitiful nickname he had given me, "I came all the way from LA to talk to you..."

"Well, I'm sorry, Sam. But I don't want to talk to you." As the words left my mouth, I noticed the dark circles and the redness on his eyes.

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