Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Brian and I left the girls, so they could bond. They, without a doubt, will go shopping. We headed to my office to meet up with Dr. Nale. Apparently, he has urgent news, that cannot wait another day. I found him patiently waiting on the leather couch, with his nose in a small leather notebook.

"Alpha," Dr. Nale greeted me. As much as I refuse, he insists on calling me 'Alpha'. He claims it shows respect. He doesn't at all mind that I'm almost half his age. He treats me as he treated my father.

Dr. Nale shut his book, but kept his thumb in between the pages. I sat on the seat across from him, as Brian sat next to Dr. Nale. "You needed to tell us something?"

"I actually would like to speak to the Queen, too," Dr. Nale stated.

I quickly shook my head. "She's got a lot on her plate. I don't want to stress her out too much."

He nodded. "This may sound a bit incredulous," he warned.

"Uh... smaller words please," Brian said.

I should buy him a dictionary for his birthday. I chuckled. "We might not believe him," I explained. Brian nodded in understanding, before motioning for Dr. Nale to continue.

"Well, I got a visit from the Moon Goddess," he said slowly.

Why would she visit Dr. Nale? "And?" I inquired.

"She gave me instructions and a message. Eve should have gotten the message before, but you weren't supposed to know about it yet."

So Eve kept a secret from me? I was pained at the thought, but I was being hypocritical. I didn't tell her about the witch that came by here. I decided to deal with it on my own, kind of. I asked Dr. Nale for help. I just didn't want to stress her out more. Why would she keep something from me?

"What was the message?" Brian asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

Dr. Nale opened the book and handed it to me. The left page was filled with crossed out words and scribbles. The right page only had words in a straight line, vertical to the page. I recognized Dr. Nale's writing. "Your ominous upbringings restore composure. He imbalances life drastically" I read aloud.

"Those are big words," Brian mumbled. He's no help at all.

I rolled my eyes. "This makes no sense. Ominous is like threatening, and composure is calm. How can something be threatening, but at the same time be calming? Its counteractive."

Dr. Nale shrugged. "I've been staring at those words since I woke up. Only the second sentence makes sense. He could be too evil, making the balance between good and bad uneven. But I had no idea who 'he' was."

Past tense. "Had?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded. "If you take the first letter of each word, it spells something," he explained.

That's why its in a line like that. I covered the letters with my hand, and read going down. I read it over a few more times before actually opening my mouth. "Your child," I said quietly.

"That's what the witch said right? 'He is your child'," Dr. Nale said. I stiffly nodded. My kid will 'imbalance life?'

"So what does this mean?" Brian asked.

Dr. Nale shot me an apologetic look. "Your baby will be in great danger."



"Are you sure this isn't too much?" I asked while looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a blue dress that ended mid-thigh. It was tight on my torso, then loosens after my waist. It came with a thin black belt, and I still had my locket hanging from my neck.

A Rejected Princess (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora