Game Night

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"Ok, that's a haunt roll. You need to beat six," Ava said as I picked up the dice.

We were playing Betrayal at House on the Hill, it was nearly October and a horror board game is a good way to wait out a storm that knocked your power out.

I roll the dice and get a five, assuming I'm counting right. It's a little difficult to see using only candles. "Looks like the haunt starts!" I say excitedly. I'm hoping to be the traitor this time.

"Let's see - crystal ball, pentagram chamber - haunt 69." She said as she checks the book. "The traitor is the player with the lowest speed."

Kylie, Jim, Drake, Beth, Ava, and I all announced our characters current speed. I had the lowest at four. I smiled triumphantly as I grabbed the "Traitor's Tome" and left the room to read my new goal for the rest of the game.

I was now a wisp and I had to evade capture for six turns, easy win for me! I'll sneak into the basement and avoid all the negative stuff there because I'm not effected by any events. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Want to make a little bet? It was from Ava.

A bet? Sure I have this win for sure. I'm game, what are the forfeits?

Ava and I make little bets all the time. Harmless things, like who picks this weeks movie for movie Monday or what color clothes to wear to school.

If we win, you have to wear my panties for the next week, including your game on Saturday. If you win, I'll buy you those awesome orange cleats you've been wanting.

Panties? You can't be serious.

These were much higher stakes than usual. I'm still confident I can win, but she has to be joking.

Dead serious, Chelsea. Scared you'll lose? She was taunting me now.

I do really want those cleats... I'm in!

Excellent! We're ready for you to come back now. The others don't know about our bet so don't worry ;)

"You all ready to lose?" I announced as I entered the room.

"In your dreams, Sea," Kylie said.

"Yeah," Jim added. "We have a great plan, and you're stuck on the roof."

I wasn't worried as I sat down.

The first, second, and third turns went well. The fourth was a close call as Drake almost caught me. I ended my fifth turn as far away from the others as possible. Ava was a floor above me, and as she explored she found the collapsed room tile, which has a hole in the floor and they fall down to the ballroom. Guess where I was. Ava landed on top of my wisp, and we began the combat to see if she'd catch me. Funnily enough this is when the lights chose to come back on. In the now lightened room, we rolled our dice. She rolled one higher than me, succeeding in catching me. I lost due to dumb luck. Ava smirked at me and winked as the others celebrated.

We finished the night by enjoying some Chinese takeout. Jim and Kylie left before dinner then Drake and Beth left just after. Ava and I were alone.

"I'll go change for our run, I'll be right back." I stood to leave when Ava grabbed my hand.

"Not so fast," she chided. "You need a pretty new accessory."

I was hoping she'd forgotten about it. "Right now? I thought you'd want me to start tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is the first full day, tonight is just the warm up."

"Then this counts as one of the seven." I countered.

"Nope," she shook her head. "Warm up."

She bounced to the stairs before I could respond. I rolled my eyes.

"This will work for tonight," she handed me a powder blue pair of panties that had some lace on it. "And these can be for tomorrow when we go shopping." She handed me a red pair.

"Shopping? I thought I was just gonna borrow your panties."

"I can't have you stretching all of them out. These two are older so I can part with them. We'll go to Aerie and do the five for $27 deal. I'll pay."

"What am I gonna do with seven pairs of-"

Ava placed a finger on my mouth, "no complaints, go put your panties on like a good girl," she teased.

When I got to my room I took my pants and shirt off. I hesitated before lowering my boxer briefs. "See ya next week fellas."

I held the panties up, they looked so small. But the pair I wore for Ava's birthday weren't uncomfortable so I decided to just put them on. To say they were snug was an understatement, when Ava said they were older she must've meant they were nearly too small. I adjusted myself to where they were comfortable then put a pair of shorts on, it was a warm fall night, probably the last one of the year. I then pulled on a light blue tee. Ava was outside when I arrived.

"Let's see then?" She prompted.

I lowered the waistband of my shorts, flashing the lacy blue panties.

She smiled approvingly, "and you matched with your shirt! That is so cute!"

I stretched my legs, "are you ready?"

"Let's go, girl!" She slapped my butt and took off.

I rolled my eyes. She was enjoying this too much. I caught up to her quickly and matched her pace.

After we finished the run, Ava turned to me.

"I'll drive to school tomorrow and we'll go to the mall from there." She said between breaths.

"Sounds good," I say. I give her a quick hug. She squeezed a little tighter at the end and I felt her chest push into me. I was glad it was dark because I blushed a little. "Good night," I waved as I went to shower.

When I stepped out of the shower I put the red panties on, again they were tight. I slid some plaid pajama pants over them and entered my room. My phone was showing a message.

Tomorrow will be fun! You're the best Chelsea!

I responded to Ava. I lost a bet, I have to honor it. Good night.

I looked out the window towards Ava's room. The curtains were open just a bit and I could see her standing there in a mint bra, she smiled when she saw my text. My phone vibrated and her light turned off.

Good night :)

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