25- Leaving

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Walking into the living room I hear the boys talking to Bella as the news blares on.

"This isn't random attacks, someone's creating an army" Carlisle says

"Sounds.... Peachy" I say as I put my arms over Jaspers shoulders

He smirks a little as I lean over and kiss his cheek before walking around the couch and sitting next to him

"Wow Bella, you smell like dog" I say as Edward tenses at the mention

"Yeah.. I saw Jacob again today" She says

"Is he well?" I ask as I play with my fingers

"Yeah, he's good" She says, the tone in the room dropping to an awkward one.

I nod as I feel Jaspers hand come over mine.

I cough to change the subject "so... you all ready for graduation?" I ask

A mix of responses comes from the question.

"Yes! Of cause and the party! Ugh it's going to be amazing" Alice says as I smile

"I mean how many of these things are we going to go to in our life time?" Emmet says, sarcastically and I laugh

"Well, it is Bella and Lias first graduation, that has to mean something" Alice says "what do you say that we go and get you both some outfits?"

"Yes" Bella laughs

"I'm not sure" I say back

"What? There is no way you just did that Lia! It's graduation!" Alice says, acting wounded

"I just... I don't really care that much I guess- besides I have more important things to do" I say as I grab Jaspers hand and stand up, moving towards the stairs "See you guys laterrrr" I say

Walking up the stairs I hear Jasper chuckle as he whispers in my ear "you do know what they think we are doing up here right?" He says

"Of cause. I'm sure they are using their imaginations" I say laughing as I open our bedroom door.

On the floor are four open suitcases and three boxes.

"But we've got something more important to do" I say as I drag him to sit on the floor with me. "Graduation doesn't mean that much to me, but this does" I say

"Me too, L, me too"


"When we were 10 we got asked what we wanted to be when we grow up" Jessica says as she stands on the podium doing her speech "We answered rock star, cow boy or in my case a gold medalist" Everyone laughs "but now they want a serious answer so how about this- who the hell knows" She carrys on

I look around at everyone in their yellow graduation gowns and I sigh. I started off high school as a normal girl with her single Dad and her sister miles away. I now end it having my Sister with me and being welcomed into a new family... not to mention that I'm now a vampire, yeah can't forget that. But over all, the most that has changed is that I've got to be with Jasper.

Could I have made it on my own? Sure! Would I ever want to? Fuck no! And will I ever have to?

Jasper tightens his hand around mine as Jessica's speech continues.

"This year some of us found new callings, new interests.... New love" She says as she points to Jasper and I and Edward and Bella.

I blush as everyone laughs and Jasper just smiles, looking at me.

No. Of cause I'll never have to be alone. I've got Jasper. My Major Whitlock and that's enough for me three lifetimes over. But it's not like I'll have to worry about the other two, because this one is just now starting. Together.

My Major and I.


New book out now! Can be found on my profile: it's called remember and is a Jasper story!!! Check it out now!!!

Hi guys,

I hope that you all liked this book! I have been working on this one for a while, but I wouldn't say that the book progressed exactly how I had planned, but anyway thank you for all the love and kind comments. This is now the official end to this book and unfortunately I do not plan on making a sequel, but we will see what happens. I said I wasn't going to make a second Potter book, but I did 😂

Anyway I hope you all liked this book and make sure to comment, vote and add to your reading lists. Until next time

Bye my loves xxx


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