The Royal Scandal

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We were just friends
That spoke like lovers
And that seemed to be enough
For two teenagers who were scared to love one another


What is meant to be is meant to be, they say... but fate is a tricky thing to understand, and sometimes those who preach its virtues cannot accept its answers.

On June 21, 1982, a prince is born. A prodigal son. A future king. A country toasts to his health, they pray for his future, and they dote on him as he grows. The image of his mother, the power of his father. A griffin and a lion.

On November 16, 1982, a girl is born in silence. No one blesses the day, and no one blinks as her name is recorded. Her life is determined right there, a plain girl born to poor parents in the middle of nowhere, she will fade into obscurity.

They grow together, separated by oceans, wealth, and status. While he's in his castle, she wishes for the lights to turn back on. While his parents wage war and draw their armies on each other, she's awestruck by the love her own share. As he walks for the world to see behind his mother's casket, she watches on from behind a screen mourning with a boy she should never know.

But fate is twisted like that...

Despite what the world thinks they fall against their better judgment. They fall in love knowing disaster waits for them at the end, that they can't hope to be accepted. With him she is safe and with her he is normal, and they carve out a relationship in the odd world they now share together. People rant and rave, the ones who lament about love and soulmates, but despite the burdens, backlash, and all the people who are intent on ripping them apart... They come back together.

Because it was fate that uttered into existence a queen truly fit for a king


Amanda Seyfried as Jaclyn Webber


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The Lotus Flower



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