Chapter 28

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Idk if this chapter gone make some of y'all happy or mad 🤣🤣🤣 HERE WE GOOO !! this might be a long one till tm

" GET OFF OF HIM " Aliah screamed as Levi & the rest of Ochos friend tried to break them up it was the last day of their trip to Colorado & they were going to chill with their cousins for the last day

But ty & Ocho had other plans

" she came up to me last night nigga " Ocho yelled as Jeremy pulled him by his shirt

" FUCK YOU & HER " Ty yelled back as Levi pushed him towards the car

aunt Pam just sat & watched she said she was too old to be breaking up any fights

Nobody won it was a fair fight they were both getting hits in Ocho nose was bleeding & ty had a busted lip

As Aliah walked to the car to talk to ty she could hear him yelling



He yelled as Aliah approached him Levi saw her & walked away giving them some privacy

" get in the car " She told ty as he took deep breathes

" what is your fucking problem why would you hit him ty & then you're calling me a bitch what is your problem today " she asked concerned

Aliah apologized before theyleft the hotel but something else was wrong with him

" I don't even wanna talk about it honestly just know me & you need a break till you know what you want & when you figure that out I probably won't be here " ty spoke as he cleaned the blood off his lip

To say he was pissed was an understatement

" what are you talking about are you saying I'm the reason for this fight Tyler you could of ignored him " Aliah told him looking at Tyler as if he had lost his mind she didn't tell him to fight Ocho

Ocho had felt some type of way when he saw ty & Aliah hugged up he thought she was done with him by the way she approached him in the club he thought they had a moment


He was feeling jealous as he watched Aliah kiss all over ty before he knew it he was making his way towards them

" bra not today " Levi mumbled as he saw Ocho approaching looking pissed

" I thought we had a moment last night " Ocho spoke up causing Aliah to snap her head at him

He didn't care about ty he wanted Aliah it was something about her

The way her chocolate skin glowed in the sun or the way she swayed her hips swinging her hair like she was the only person in the world when she walked or maybe it was her confidence

She was beyond beautiful & he had to have her

" what moment nigga Y'all danced for a second & you touched her ass wasn't no moment " ty spoke up looking up at Ocho

Repeating that made him want to slap the hell out of Aliah

" that wasn't all she was rubbing herself against me shit I thought she was finna take me to the bathroom & let me hit it " Ocho spoke up with a smirk on his face once he saw the anger look ty had on his

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