twenty two

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I sulkily stumble into my English classroom, knowing that Levi is waiting for me, and skipping it would only get me in more trouble. 

I open the door like my murderer's going to be in there, facing a stern-looking Levi. So far, I'm the only student in the room, and it makes me feel less than confident.

"Sit down, Ze, and I'll help you with the sheet," my brother demands, looking at the desk that is in the middle of the front row.

I groan. "Okay, dad."

"That was not a funny joke, Hazel," Levi says pointedly, shooting me a glare.

I throw my bag on the floor, and collapse into the seat, slouching down. 

"I'm getting the feeling that you have somewhere better to be, Hazel," my brother growls sarcastically, as I stare at him with annoyance.

"You could say that," I observe. 

"Drop the attitude, or I'll be talking to Matteo about it," Levi threatens.

"Fine," I utter, dejected.


My brother then goes through each contemporary writing concept, and how I can incorporate it in my essays. 

Then, the door reopens, and the last person I wanted to see, walks into the classroom. Sierra. 

Her short skirt, and cropped shirt, make her look like a slut, and cheap perfume oozes from her body. Unnecessary makeup cakes her face, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 

"Ah, Miss. Dollam. It's nice of you to join us. Please take a seat next to Hazel, we'll work on the essay together," Levi says, enthusiastically, gesturing for Sierra to sit next to me.

I think quickly and throw my books down, on the seat. "I'm so sorry, but I think that this seat is taken." I throw the girl my best sarcastic, and sweet smile. 

"Hazel," my brother says, in a warning tone, giving me a sour expression. 

"Fine," I grumble, picking up the papers I had strewn across the desk beside me.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bolivi. I don't know where else I would have sat," Sierra breathes out, airily, obviously trying to flirt with my brother.

I gag loudly, sticking my finger in my mouth, and pretending to vomit. "There are 23 other chairs and desks in the class. You could have sat in any of them."

"Thank you for your insight, Hazel, but we are here to work and not talk. This is detention, not lunchtime," Levi smiles at me. 

"Mr. Bolivi, may I ask why you call her by her first name, instead of her last name? Does that bitch even have a last name?" Sierra questions, pointing her skinny, little fingers at me.

I roll my eyes and begin to doodle on my paper. 

"No, Miss. Dollam, you may not ask. It's not any of your business," my brother says flatly, looking at the girl as if she's stupid.

She might not have heard about my relation to him. 

"Is it because you two are fucking?" Sierra asks, as her eyes dart back and forth, between me and Levi. "Because that's fine. It probably explains, why little miss Hazel is passing English. I'd be totally into that as well if it meant not having to do this."

I look at her for a second and try to decipher on a scale of 1 to 100 how fucked up she is, in the head. This girl is suggesting that we partake in incest. Ew.

"Miss. Dollam, I am asking you for the last time to stop using vile language, and suggesting topics that could get us all in trouble. Especially since they're not true," Levi says, calmly, but I can tell that he's beginning to get fed up with her attitude. 

"Are you sure? If it's a threesome you want, then I can totally round up one of your other brothers, or even one of my frien-"

"Suspension, Miss. Dollam," Levi dismisses Sierra, looking at her with pure disgust. "And if I can get it, expulsion."

I snort loudly at the girl's horrified face, before cackling a wild laugh. She glares at me for half a second, before launching her body upon mine.

"Get off me, you cow," I squeal, grabbing her hair, in an attempt to get her off me. 

"You are one slutty little bitch!" Sierra screams, clawing at my face. "No one will ever love you. You're only a quick session to all the boys you're with."

"The only reason you come to school is to eye fuck all the boys and teachers because no one wants to have sex with your plastic ass," I retort, slapping her face so hard that it rotates to the side. 

I get up, and wipe the invisible dust off my clothes, scrunching up my face, as I watch Sierra's shaking form on the ground.

My brother's arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him.

"She'll be dealt with accordingly," he whispers in my ear, as another teacher walks into the room, and takes a sobbing Sierra away.

I nod in approval, feeling happy that she'll get what she deserves.

"...And so will you," Levi tells me, sternly, and I turn around to face him, looking gobsmacked. 

"But I was only acting in self defense," I say, trying to keep myself out of trouble. "A-and it's not like you interfered at any point."

"Ze, you know that I would have helped you, if you needed it, but I presumed you wouldn't, because you're my strong girl," my brother coos.

"Don't give me that shit. Can we just go home?"

"No, of course not," Levi says, as if my request is crazy. "You haven't finished your detention yet."

What the heck?!

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 3100 reads (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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