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The veil prevented me from seeing much, but I could feel the strong judgmental eyes on me.

I heard a giggle in the back over the ceremonial music. I knew that it was my appearance that made them laugh.

I felt embarrassed, but my nerves were stronger.

Archie's repulsive hold loosened as we neared the alter before falling away completely as I was left standing beside my soon to be husband.

I could barely make out his features from behind the folds of my veil, but one thing was certain, he was not looking at me. Throughout the ceremony he did not offer me a single glance until it came to exchanging the kiss to seal our marriage.

It was only then where I could make out some of his handsome features, but it was short lived as a frown quickly dawned on his face as he looked me up and down.

However just as I saw it, it was gone. It was if I had imagined it.

His face showed no emotion after that as he lifted my veil just enough to reveal my red stained lips before bending down meeting them with his own.

The kiss was so brief that I almost did not feel it.

He pulled away right after, as if I had burned him before immediately looking away from me.

A part of me felt relieved.

We both did not want this.

I was still confused as to why he went through with this wedding, did the Earl of Faintree have something against him?

Before I could ponder more, I was escorted out of the chapel by my new husband and placed into a carriage with him. The guests all seemed to follow behind us as we made our way to the Waisend's estate here in the capital city.

The main estate was in the Port Town of Canterbre which was a four-day journey. I prayed that I would be allowed to remain in the capital close to Rourke. Being far from him made me nervous that I would not be able to get to him in time should something happen.

"Let us get something straight," Cassius Waisend started, his voice strong and unimpressed, "I did not want this marriage so do not assume that I will be the perfect love-struck husband that you so desperately desire."

I wanted to assure him that I understood but he would not let me speak.

"If you want to object do not even bother instead blame Lord Faintree." He scoffed.

I reached for my veil wanting to remove the irritating material and get a proper look at the man before me without being obstructed by any material.

"Leave it on." He did not even look at me when he said this, instead waited for the carriage to come to a complete stop before getting out.

I thought that he would just leave me and go on ahead. With his current sour mood, I would understand, but he surprisingly did not.

Together we walked through the doors into the grand manor, guests following behind us.

"Try not to talk and embarrass me." He whispered in my ear as we entered the ballroom.

We stood away from the dance floor as we were congratulated by many nobles. Or rather I was ignored, and the Duke received all the formalities.

The only time attention was given to me was when I received judgmental gazes by the occasional noble. Most of them were from women.

I did not belong here.

I had already accepted that I was the laughingstock of the Kingdom and how I presented myself today would be the cherry on top of my terrible reputation.

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