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I walked down the stairs, it was still dark outside  I liesurely paced around the whole house before I reached the training grounds. I liked to come here before everyone else, it was quite and peaceful. I strolled about for a bit before I saw a figure jogging. I walked closer to get a better look at the person invading my peaceful hours. I wasn't surprised to find Cooper, she was always up before the sun, on the training ground before anybody else.

I walked closer until she noticed me. She slowed down before jogging towards me. "Didn't take you for a morning person, Ms. Bloomingdale" she said as stood before me.

"I was never a morning person until amnesia got the best of me" I replied.

After Cooper left, I realised that I made a huge mistake. Sure, I was not ready to be with her at that time but I should have seen her off. We should have discussed these things. I wasn't over Drake and I wasn't ready to be with anyone. I had never been single since teenage so it was necessary for me to learn to be on my own but I didn't want to lose Cooper as a friend either. I started losing sleep, most nights I wouldn't sleep at all and on good days I would get 2-4 hours of sleep so I started utilizing the time instead of wasting it, trying to fall asleep. I used to train or study or work. Now, I have developed a habit of waking up before the sun comes up, before the birds wake up. It has been great, it has made me more disciplined and productive.

"That's a nice result from something bad" Cooper commented.

"Yeah, it sure is. I see, you have not changed a bit. You are still getting out of bed before everybody else."

"I sure am, I need to train and get in shape again."

"I would not recommend it, I need you to get a clearance from the doctor first. You can do some light exercising if you feel like it" I informed.

"Aw....please, no. I feel fine, I am sure that I can handle training" Cooper whined.

"Well, if you are so sure then a doctor's opinion shouldn't hurt. If you are actually fine then Dr. Baker will clear you" I said.

"Fine!" Cooper huffed.

"How was your night, did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah" she gave a short reply.

"No nightmares?" I asked.

"Not a nightmare but I think I remembered something. I am not very sure if it was a dream or if it was something that happened while I was held captive" Cooper answered, she looked confused.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I inquired.

"Well, sure" she said. "Can we talk while we walk?"

"Of course"

"I saw a lab, there was an old guy there, there were monitors and test tubes everywhere. There was a dentist's chair too. I think the place was stinking but I can't be too sure. I could see the lab from the other side of the glass but my view was limited. I had a very small window that allowed me to see outside. That was it. I think they were conducting experiments on me but I can't be too sure" Cooper narrated her dream.

"I am sorry Cooper, I am sorry that you had to go through that. From what I have been told, the army too suspects that the enemy was conducting experiments on you. They told me that, the enemy might have been trying to convert you into a weapon, they were trying to gain control over your brain. I am really sorry, Coop" I said.

"Its fine, you couldn't have done anything. Look, everything is fine now" Cooper said with a smile.

I smiled back at her. Soon, our walk was over, I sent Cooper back to the house when people started to show up for training. After an intense two hours of training, I went to my room to take a quick shower before I started working.

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